028. ━ she's fine

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season seven // episodes sixteen and seventeen[ she's fine ]

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season seven // episodes sixteen and seventeen
[ she's fine ]

❝I would be glad to join you on
your trial, sir. Thank you for
thinking of me.❞

JACKSON AND APRIL walked into the resident's lounge and saw Ellie was already sitting in front of her locker, eating a granola bar while fixing her braids. She looked up when she heard them talking and smiled at them.

"Good morning!"

"Um..." Jackson furrowed his brows at her cheerfulness. "Morning... You're here early."

She nodded. "Since five this morning."

"Why?" April asked, setting her bag down and looking at her best friend. "Wouldn't you rather be asleep? Or with your boyfriend? I thought you were gonna be at Andy's tonight."

Ellie paused and shook her head. "Uh... no. No, not tonight."

Jackson watched her as she ate her granola bar in silence. "Ellie, are you okay?"

"Yep," she said, a bit too quickly. "Everything is just fine." April and Jackson glanced at each other. "Okay, I gotta go. I'm on Hunt's service today, so bye!"

"Wait, Ellie—" Jackson let out a breath as Ellie quickly left the room. He sat down and looked at April. "Do you know what's up with her? Every time we mention Andy, she suddenly changes the topic. Did they get into a fight?"

"I don't know."

"Or maybe something else happened," Jackson thought out loud. "Maybe they broke up and she's upset."

April shrugged. "Well—"

"No." Jackson shook his head and April sighed. "Because they weren't having any problems before then."


"What do you think?" he asked, looking up at her.

April frowned at him. "Are you done?" He nodded and she turned back to her locker. "'I don't know' is my answer. She hasn't mentioned anything to me. But if you're so concerned, go ask her yourself."

"I can't do that!"

April blinked at him. "W—Why not?" she asked. "You're one of her best friends. So you'd just be showing concern for your best friend."

"It's... it's awkward." April rolled her eyes as she put on her coat and put her stethoscope in the pocket. "Can you ask her?"

She shook her head. "You're the one who wants answers," she replied, walking to the door. "You have to ask her yourself. Anyway, I gotta go. I'm on Stark's service today."

He winced. "Good luck."

April let out a breath and left the room, leaving Jackson alone. Something's up, Ellie, he thought to himself. What is it?

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