055. ━ happy wedding season

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season nine // episodes nine and ten[ happy wedding season ]

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season nine // episodes nine and ten
[ happy wedding season ]

❝Well, backward wedding. Works
for me. Food?❞

ELLIE WAS HOLDING her head in her hand in boredom while sitting in the conference room with Jackson, Lizzie, Derek, and Meredith. Jackson set down his files and let out a breath. "Now, once I remove the sural nerve from your leg, Dr. Torres will graft it onto Dr. Shepherd's median nerve. You'll likely experience some discomfort in your leg for a few weeks—"

"Months," Derek corrected and Ellie rolled her eyes. "Months. And when he says 'discomfort', it's going to hurt like hell."

"We're all doctors here, Derek," Ellie said to him. "I think she gets the point. You get the point, don't you, Lizzie?"

She nodded and turned to her brother. "Well, aren't you a bag of sunshine today?"

He shook his head. "I don't want to hear six months from now that you can't move and that the ibuprofen hurts your stomach—"

Ellie and Jackson glanced at each other while Lizzie groaned. "He makes me sound like I'm a ninety-year-old man," she told the couple. "Have you noticed that?"

"Because I've heard for decades how I ruined your life..." Derek said.

She nodded. "Because you did."

Ellie rolled her eyes. "Oh, here we go again..." she muttered, shaking her head. "Will you two just shut up for once and listen?"

"And that Mom doesn't love you," Derek continued, both siblings ignoring Ellie's comment.

"Because she doesn't."

"I don't want to hear about this."

Ellie let out an annoyed breath and rubbed her forehead, feeling a headache start to appear. Meredith had the same expression as her—annoyance.

"I think what you're trying to say is 'thank you, Lizzie, for cutting off a leg and giving it to me,'" Lizzie said.

"Ah." Derek nodded. "Here it is. This is how it's gonna go down in history. It is a nerve. It is not the entire leg."

"Okay," Ellie said, rolling her neck. "Let's all shut up, why don't we? Jackson, continue. Please."

He cleared his throat. "Uh—I think Dr. Shepherd's right," he replied and she sighed. "If you're unsure, we—"

"Oh, come on," Lizzie said, shaking her head. "I'm just winding him up because it's so easy. Just give me the form."


Ellie let out a breath as Jackson handed Lizzie the form which she signed before looking up at her brother. "Now can I go hang out with Zola in daycare?" she asked.

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