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season seven // episode fifteen[ one hour ]

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season seven // episode fifteen
[ one hour ]

❝Fine. Come on, Jackson!❞

ELLIE GLANCED AT the clock in the ER as it struck six o'clock and she turned to the board while Meredith and Cristina sat at the desk. "Are either of you gonna help me at all or are you just gonna sit there and eat potato chips?" she asked.

"I performed four back-to-back fem-pop bypasses today," Cristina replied, crunching on the chip. "This is the first chair I've seen since seven am and this is the first food I've had since yesterday. I choose potato chips."

Ellie paused before shrugging. "Okay, fair enough." She looked at the woman to her left. "Mer?"

"I'm sorry," she said with an apologetic expression. "I have a lot of paperwork to go through for Derek's trial."

Ellie sighed with a nod. "It's okay." The phone rang. "Seattle Grace Mercy West Emergency."

"Why exactly did you volunteer to run the ER?" Cristina asked while the blonde was still on the phone.

"Thank you," Ellie said into the phone before hanging up. "Well, I have nothing better to do," she said, answering Cristina's question. "Besides, I'm showing initiative. I'd be a good chief resident."

"What about your boyfriend?" Meredith asked and Ellie paused. "Isn't he bothered by the fact that you're here?"

"Uh... no." She cleared her throat and shook her head before looking at Tyler. "We've got a suspected appy on a ten-year-old. Let's page Robbins."

He nodded just as Lexie walked up to her. "Hey, I got a patient with a headache after sumatriptan. He's ready to be discharged, I just need you to sign off."

Ellie took the clipboard from her and began looking over the form. "Is he neurologically intact?" she asked and Lexie nodded. "You did a CT?"

"I did," Lexie confirmed. "It was negative. The most interesting about this guy is that he came into the ER for a glorified migraine with a girlfriend from hell."

Cristina sat upright. "Ooh, which one is she?" she asked. "Just point with your eyes." They followed her gaze and saw a woman next to the bed, talking loudly on the phone. "Oh. Mm-hmm."

Ellie shook her head in amusement. "Here."

"Thank you."

"Sloan." She looked over at Arizona who had just arrived. "You paged?"

She nodded. "Yeah, we have a suspected appy on a ten-year-old two minutes out."


"Sloan." Owen walked into the ER with a gurney. "Call up. Tell 'em to get an OR ready."

"Already did," she answered. "OR 5 is prepped and ready for you." He gave a thumbs-up and nodded. Ellie turned to Meredith. "You really can't help?"

Meredith saw her puppy dog eyes and held out her hand with a sigh. "Fine," she relented. "I'll take one."

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