Having Fun

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Four friends including myself stand in front of an old broken down building where once upon a time many came to, with their families obviously, to play bowling. For hours and hours it used to be filled, but that was a long time ago. Now, no one even comes to this side of city anymore. All of the buildings are trashed and falling apart. For all I know, a war probably broke out here.

"What are we doing here?" I ask.  "What do you mean 'what are we doing here? ' we're here to have fun duh..." my friend Jordan replies.

Fun? How can we have fun here? I think. But soon enough I get my answer.

"Oh and just if you're wondering what I mean, let me tell you.... Daniel and Jessica came here a few weeks ago to fix up the bowling alleys. We all know that these two geeks can fix literally anything. So now we've got this whole place to ourselves." Jordan says.

Wow. Was I the only one that didn't know about this?

Walking inside everything seems so dark and I end up hitting into something. "Oww!" I scream.

The lights turn on.

"Are you okay?" Jessica asks.

"Ya just fine," I mumble to myself. "Who was the lunatic I bumped into? Watch yourself next time!"

"What are you talking about? Sorry I never heard you...actually never mind. Daniel and Jordan are gone to turn on the bowling system thing. They'll probably be back soon. Until then let's go find the perfect bowling balls." Jessica responds.

Wow. I can't lie; Jessica and Daniel did a pretty good job fixing this place up. It looks brand new. As I follow Jessica I can't help but admire the little touches they have added.

Finally we reach the bowling ball racks.  There are so many to choose from. Standing there while deciding on which one to choose I notice a shadow run past. Huh? It's probably just me. "Do you like them?" she asks. "There weren't enough so Daniel bought some really pretty ones."

After choosing a few bowling balls, we meet Daniel and Jordan in the lobby. Everything is set up. They even brought food. It's awesome!


After playing a few rounds of bowling I get bored and head off to the washroom, assuming they probably fixed that up too.

As I walk into the washroom I can see that everything is clean.

I turn on the tap and it works! I splash cold water on my face and then remember there is no tissues or towels to dry my face. Great! I think when suddenly I hear a loud smack.

I quickly dry my face with my shirt and look up. The mirror is shattered all over the floor with a rock sitting next to the pile.

I lift up the rock and stare at it perplexed. Whatever. This building is pretty old....I guess the ceiling is starting to crumble.

I walk back and join my friends. "You took forever! Come on Cathy! You're losing by a long shot," Daniel yells.

I move forward to take my turn reaching for a bowling ball. Just as I am about to aim the ball, I look down and realize I'm holding Jessica's head. I scream and let go, watching as it rolls around, covering the floor with blood.

Terrified, I scream again. "What the hell is going on!? We need to get out of here fast!" I'm literally on the verge of crying when the lights flicker and die out.

A loud thud grabs my attention and all I hear is Jordan screaming and something being dragged away.

I can't stop trembling. "Daniel! Daniel? W..wh..what just happened?"

"I don't know," he says, his voice shaking. "I can't see anything where are you?"

 I stretch out my hands while trying to follow his voice.

" 'kay I've got you," he says "now let's get out of here."

"Daniel that's NOT ME!" I scream.

I finally reach his voice and tug on his arm. "Daniel?"

The lights flicker on and off. My heart stops. I can make out the slight figure of a man with pale skin and blood creeping out from the cuts and open stitches on his face. He has a huge smirk on his face and begins laughing. I let go of him and step back.

Getting a better look at him, I can see that he is missing an arm and in his other hand he is holding an axe.

"Your turn," he says.

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