True or False?

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Standing in front of a body mirror at the subway station, Lisa smiled as she looked at herself and her younger brother, both who were dressed as the reaper. "Don't we look the same?" she asked him.

"Yes. We look the same, don't we?"

She smiled.

Wait, what? She looked up in the mirror again and noticed a man dressed exactly like them standing right behind her, his hands resting on her shoulders the same way hers rested on her brother's shoulders.

She screamed at the top of her lungs, "Alex RUN!!!!"

Eventually the two reached their parents who were standing further up, while waiting for the train to arrive. Lately Lisa had been getting strange calls from a man who constantly threatened to kill her. She had even told her parents about it, but for some reason they didn't believe her.


Crossing a main road in New York, Lisa received a phone call as she was walking with her family. "Mom! Dad! Look, I'm getting a phone call from that same number," she said as she showed them her phone screen.

"Pick it up."

"Hellooo?" At first no one answered, but soon a sound could be heard from the other end. She realized it was a video call. But video calling doesn't work on my phone.

Her family watched the video silently. It showcased different scenarios in which families would rent a room at a house owned by an old couple. This couple was actually the man from the subway station and his sister dressed up as elderly people.

This so called "old couple" would then try to become very close with the family and before the family would leave, the old couple would ask them if they could take a group picture. Eventually, all the family members would die one by one and they would disappear from the picture. Each person would die a horrific death much different from the last.

By the time the video had ended, Lisa's parents finally believed her. They decided that their stay in New York was over and that it was time to head home. But, the only available flight tickets were for the next day so they would have to stay the night in New York.

"But we can't! We just can't stay here! Not even for one night!" Lisa complained, "Don't you understand that we're all in danger!!"

"We have no choice. It's just one night. Nothing is going to happen, and anyways we've already found the perfect place to stay."

As they entered the big, yet old house at which they would be staying, Lisa couldn't help but wonder how her parents had found such an ugly place like this to stay when they could have just booked a room at a hotel.

"Ah. I see you all have finally arrived!" a crackly voice stated. Soon an old lady walked into the doorway from which Lisa's family had just entered. "My husband isn't here at the moment, but he'll be back very soon. Until then let me show you around the house."

As they went from room to room Lisa felt as if something wasn't right, yet she continued to follow everyone. The entire house had dark brown wooded walls with strange patterns and yellowish-green colored carpets which appeared to be very dirty and worn out.

Lisa couldn't believe that they were going to be staying at such a disgusting place, but what choice did she have.

After a tour of the house the old lady went to the kitchen and began cooking food.

When it was 8:30 pm, they were called down to for dinner and that's when they met the old man. After a few seconds of staring, Lisa realized why she kept feeling that things weren't quite right; she recognized the old man as he was the same man from the video. Her heart stopped for a second. This can't be happening!

Lisa sat down while trying to act as calmly as possible and every time the old couple would look away for a second or two, she would try to hint to her parents that they needed to leave as soon as possible. But her parents had no clue as to what she was trying to tell them.

"So, Mr. Leeway, I believe that's what it is right? Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself and your family?"

"Umm..sure thing." Lisa's father responded.

When it was finally time to sleep, Lisa went to her parents' bedroom and whispered, "This is the same old couple from the video. We need to leave, NOW!"

As per usual, they didn't believe her. "How could you say such a thing?! They are such nice people. Who lets someone stay at their house on such short notice? You can't just accuse them of something like that," her father scolded, "Now go to bed. We have to go to the airport first thing tomorrow morning!"

The next morning Lisa awoke to the sound of laughter coming from outside. She got out of bed and rustled her hair in hope of making it look more appropriate.

"It's time," she heard someone whisper. She looked around once, but there was no one else in the room except herself. She ran down the stairs and out the back door where she found her brother, parents, and the old husband and wife.

"All right, now it's time for us to leave," she heard her mother tell the old lady, "thanks for letting us stay here on such a short notice. It was very nice of you."

"No noo, it was our pleasure having you all here. It has been a while since we've had visitors and that too with children. My wife has always had a soft spot for children!" the old man interrupted, "This calls for a group photo, don't you think?"

Lisa could see the evil smirk on his face when he said that, but she couldn't make anything of it since he quickly replaced it with an ordinary smile. What a fake!

"No! It's okay," Lisa yelled at the same time that her dad said, "That's a great idea!"

From there, everything felt as if it was going in slow motion. Lisa watched in horror as the old woman went back inside the house and brought out their camera. She knew that this was it; they were all going to die and all she could do was watch helplessly as it all took place in front of her own eyes.

Lisa screamed as she shot upright in her bed. She opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was at home! She was safe! "It was all a dream," she said aloud, panting, trying to console herself, "I'm safe! We're safe!"

She got up and ran downstairs to find no one at home. Great! Just great!

Just when she was turning around to head back to her room she caught a glimpse of the man sitting on the kitchen counter-top.

Too scared to turn around, she stood glued to her spot. It can't be, she thought.

"Just in case you're thinking it was all a dream. Let me tell you it wasn't. You're the last one left my dear."

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