Remember Me?

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Every minute of my late night shift is simply dreadful. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that I get to return to my peaceful and isolated home in the country side.

Entering my door at 3am, I can't help but sigh in relief. Living by myself is fantastic except for the fact that when I get home there is no one expecting me. I tend to be lazy when it comes to making myself food, so most often I go to sleep hungry.

Heading upstairs to my room, I quickly change out of my clothes and head to sleep. I am extremely tired; guess all these days of sleeping late are finally catching up to me.

However, just as I go to switch off the table lamp something unusual catches my eye. I get out of my bed to take a better look at it.

Someone had written on my mirror in a blood-like substance; ketchup perhaps? It says, "Remember me?" I try to keep myself calm by thinking that it's probably just a prank by one of the kids always running around. But, getting a better look at it, I realize it is actually blood. Worse, it looks fresh meaning there is a possibility that this person is still in my house. The thought terrifies me and I begin to tremble.

In a panic now, I hurriedly reach for my phone and dial in 911. I bring the phone close to my ear but all I hear is a dial tone... Damn they must have cut the cord lines.

I slowly head to the door making sure to check every nook and cranny of my room before I head downstairs cautiously.

I go to the kitchen as quietly as possible and grab a knife for protection. I move towards the living room.

Pulling away the curtain that leads into the living room slightly, I peer inside.

I am horrified by what I see next. A person is sitting on the couch staring straight at me with blank empty eyes. I freeze for a second, wondering why he doesn't blink or move, or even show the slightest sign of breathing. I walk closer to him but still he doesn't move. He has a slash across his chest and blood seeps out soaking his clothes crimson red.

I check his pulse. Dead.

Who is this man?

I hear a rumble outside and notice that it started to rain outside. The low rumble of thunder and flashes of lighting every once in a while makes my breathing frantic.

I just couldn't take the silence anymore so as I enter the hallway I yell out, "Who's there? Stop playing with me!"

Suddenly, the lights shut off ominously. Seriously? A blackout at a time like this. In the shadows I try to find my way around in search of the flashlight I keep stashed away in the table near the hall mirror.

After minutes of fumbling around I finally find the table and grab the flashlight. Turning it on I see him in the mirror. The killer stares at me with a huge grin on his face. Scratches are all over his cheeks and forehead; that dead man must've done that to him.

My eyes grow wide as the truth sinks in. My reflection smirks back at me and I scream. This whole time, it was me all along.

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