Home Alone

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Brandon was home alone when he heard footsteps climbing up the stairs to his left. He ran back to his bedroom as quietly as possible and hid behind the closet door.

He watched silently as a man entered his room, a knife in hand.

The man walked around Brandon's room in search of something, only soon to give up. He sat at the edge of the bed, tapping his fingers against the head rest. 

Brandon covered his mouth tightly with his petite hands as sweat trailed down the side of his face. He regretted not leaving with his mother when she had requested, and found himself praying to anyone who'd listen.

When the man stood, the pressure on his heart unclenched and he felt relief sweep over him. For some strange reason, when the man reached the door he stopped and soon a smile crept up onto his face.

What Brandon didn't realize was that if he could see the man then the man could see him too.

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