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Eddy had continued to cry out for help until his throat was raw. For someone named Eddy Wise, he hadn't made a lot of wise decisions lately. He could’ve gotten up himself, but his entire body was in pain due to Pororo’s beatings and he had lost quite some blood.

And to make matters worse for him, there was a horny crocodile in the living room, and he was stripping naked.

“Crong crong (I can make you feel better),” Crong said seductively, wobbling his semi-flaccid micropenis around.

Eddy had lost his voice from screaming so much, so he couldn’t tell Crong to fuck off.

Crong got on top of Eddy and pulled the blanket off of him. Eddy felt something very, very small go in his ass.

(Revenge! -PedrosGroupie0247)

(Fuck him! -ShavingDrainHairMan)


They walked into the apartment, it was giving Vegas.

Cherry was walking very model-ish. Petty and Pororo were staring at her swinging wrecking balls in awe.

They all knew about the foursome and they were pretty damn excited, Loopy was still very nervous about everything.

Loopy was the last to get in the elevator. Before entering, she recited a quick prayer.

The elevator shot up into the sky at high speeds, like a rocket, that almost made Loopy say the Lord’s name in vain.

They reached the top and people had already raided Cherry's giant apartment, which took up the entire top floor, not counting the roof. (I swear her apartment had the layout of a mansion almost. -ShavingDrainHairMan) (What do you mean almost? -PedrosGroupie0247)

There were spiral stairs leading to a pool, and everyone seemed to have a partner, but what Loopy had heart-eyes for, was the ginormous snack table. The food looked like it had been made by Gordon Ratsey himself.

"Red-y for a good time, Emma my love?" Red Guy asked Cherry in a thick British accent.

(Rucking Rill Rourself. -ShavingDrainHairMan)

(Why? Do you think my amazing puns are too red-iculous? -PedrosGroupie0247)


"Ready whenever you are baby~" Cherry said seductively.

Red Guy took a selfie with Cherry and posted it on Red-dit (r/AIPPF_Official).

(I will commit tax fraud. -ShavingDrainHairMan)

(Oh no, someone’s gonna get a-red-sted! -PedrosGroupie0247)

(I'm going to shoot myself -ShavingDrainHairMan)

(Not if I shoot you first! Cherry could’ve said that red-ductively, but noooo! My sense of humor is just too red-tched for you! -PedrosGroupie0247)

(Yes I'd love for you to shoot my first go ahead do it I don't care do it do fucking do it I dare you I fucking dare you. -ShavingDrainHairMan)

(you mean… go a-red? -PedrosGroupie0247)

(I will literally hang myself. -ShavingDrainHairMan)

(Redst in peace! -PedrosGroupie0247)

(No point anymore, I'm burning down your house, and it'll be tacky if you use the same joke again so ha you can't say a-red-sted. -ShavingDrainHairMan)

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