Meeting The Group

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//For some monsters, I lack descriptive information since I'm in the middle of reading the light novels. I'll be using my own creative spin on them until information pops up.

It shouldn't impact the story very much, so it's fine. That's all.

It was odd.

Ever since Aamon had fully gained logical thought and reasoning, he had been plagued with a sense of danger, an immense feeling of trouble that resided within the base of his gut telling him that death was close at hand. Yet, even with that knowledge in mind, the young man didn't feel afraid or anxious. Even when the monstrous growls from unknown creatures rang through the forest and the environment erupted with an unwanted excitement, he felt unbothered. It wasn't as if he felt no emotion whatsoever, having felt some semblance of curiosity and other emotional alertness as time went on, but rather, his body simply held its ground instead of panicking.

He obviously knew nothing of why, but he didn't question it as he readied to defend himself.

The threat made itself known rather quickly.

Trees were shoved out of the way as an ugly looking behemoth stormed into view, its slightly glowing red eyes looking around for its prey. Standing up on two abnormally large feet, it was reptilian in nature with a head that matched its immense stature, possessing jagged yellowed teeth that could have used a good brushing. Due to Aamons in increase in senses, he could smell the beasts putrid breath, even from dozens of yards away. If he had to compare it to something, it was something akin to a Tyrannosaurus, of which he had a clear image in mind though it was quite a bit different from the one he was looking at.

This one was definitely smaller and far less menacing.

"A Bloodsaurus," Tiona commented, her voice casual as she moved to stand in front of Aamon. "They're pretty common on these floors. Just gotta give them a good wallop, and they go down easy."

(("A good wallop?")) Aamon questioned internally. (("It's a dozen times stronger than me."))

If the appearance of the beast called Bloodsaurus wasn't enough, a slew of other critters appeared from the treeline. These ones were smaller but still gave off the aura of being able to run over Aamon if given the opportunity, meaning that if the white-haired youth engaged them, he was as good as dead. Unlike the Bloodsaurus, these beasts moved directly towards Tiona and Aamon without a second to pause, as if they knew where the odd duo's location beforehand.

"Should we run?" Aamon questioned, weighing his options. Memory loss or not, he was still of the hunter and prey dynamic.

If you were weaker, then you find a way to win without dying. If dying was inevitable during combat, you run.

"Why would we do that?" Tiona asked cheerfully. "That would kill all the fun!!"

Lifting her abnormally large weapon, a double bladed sword with two rounded ends, the tanned girl charged towards the monsters with a joyous enthusiasm. It was hard to mistake Tiona's mood with anything but elated as the black haired individual spun her blade around, eliminating a large circle of critters with a single swipe. They didn't even have the chance to cry out before exploding into a mix of blood and black powder, a sight that greatly confused Aamon.

Shrieking in alarm, the other monsters immediately moved out of her range and ran directly past, racing towards the amnesiac with hurried steps.

Without missing a beat, Tiona flipped backward and landed in between the monsters and Aamon, a smile on her face. "That's not fair. You're supposed to be playing with me!!"

Swinging her blade, the woman ferociously hacked at her prey, sending each wave of beasts scattering with every swipe of her deadly weapon, killing dozens within seconds. Even when the Bloodsaurus finally locked eyes onto them and lumbered its way over, the tanned woman didn't even waste a breath dispatching it. Smiling, the young girl leaped into the air, far higher than Aamon expected, towering over the height of the foul-smelling dinosaur. Descending onto the great behemoth, Tiona drove one of the blades through the center of its head down to its two little arms, exploding the monster into a torrent of blood.

To Be An Adventurer (Danmachi Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt