Gathering Intel

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"Stupid? He's a full-on idiot!!" The gray-haired male glanced back at Aamon as what remained of the Aqua Serpent sank back into the channels depths. "Might as well have gotten chowed up by monsters if he's gonna be so damned careless."

No one said anything as the wolf eared male made his way over to the previously thrown individual, frustration in every step he took. It was a weird situation. Aamon could feel the hostile intent, but he didn't feel any immediate danger coming off the werewolf like with the monsters, even when the man was stomping towards him with such violent movements. Fists curled up like he wanted to slug Aamon in his jaw but without any indication that he would, orange eyes narrowed in a mixture of annoyance and frustration, clenched teeth that gave a pissed off vibe. This person was one of the few people so far that the white-haired youth couldn't quite figure out based on looks alone.

"If you wanna off yourself, then do it on your own damned time," the man said, getting up in Aamons face. "Weaklings like you shouldn't be in the dungeon in the first place. Don't get in the way of those who are actually strong!! If you're gonna be here, then stay out of the way."

Spinning on his heels, the wolf man walked away, dropping one last "pathetic" as he walked back towards the group, leaving Aamon standing where he was.

It was kinda interesting in a way. As those around him made sure he wasn't seriously injured, even Riveria asking him more than once if he was alright, Aamon couldn't help but actually agree with what the wolf had said. Though having been harsh with his words, he hadn't said anything that was out of line. In fact, the youth kinda thought the werewolf had reacted pretty decently given the situation, if only a tad aggressive and overbearing. Someone who had no knowledge or experience within a set environment put themselves into a dangerous situation, causing those around him to react on his behalf in order to ensure the others' survival. Something that could have been avoided if the one stepping into danger had been more cautious.

No matter how it was sliced, Aamon was at fault because of his own weakness and carelessness.

"Don't worry too much about Bete," Tiona said, cutting into the youths thoughts. "He's a stinker."

"Heh, a stinker?" Aamon cracked a genuine smile for the first time since his arrival in the Dungeon. Yet another emotion was added to the growing liston available feelings, amusement.

"Oh, so you CAN smile," Tiona commented, smiling back, leaning forward slightly.

"Maybe a little."

Dusting himself off, Aamon checked himself over briefly before falling in line with the rest of the group. Though they had paused briefly during the Aqua Serpent, the journey to the surface continued.

"So, how big IS the Loki Familia anyways?" Aamon asked, walking in step with the energetic Amazon. "In comparison to other factions."

Tiona tilted her head slightly as she thought about it, though she didn't think for too long. "Pretty big."

(("Gee, that was truly a life changing number.")) Aamon let out a sigh, understanding more about the young girls personality than he initially planned to. Though she was a simple creature, sometimes keeping it too simple was more of a hindrance than a help. (("Maybe try a different approach?"))

"What are levels?"

It seemed like a relatively simple question, one that anyone could answer for him.

"Levels are certain markers you reach after gaining enough experience," a voice cut in, drawing Aamon's attention. It was the one-eyed woman from earlier, Tsubaki. "You can think of them as ceilings. When you train in the Dungeon for a long time, you hit a roof that you can't break through. When that happens, you can freely choose to level up to raise that ceiling and go to the next stage of development. That's the simplest way I can put it.

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