Horror Movies (Himuro x Reader)

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"Hey, (f/n), let's watch a movie." It had started out as a casual conversation between you and Himuro. He and Murasakibara were your friends since the first day of Yosen because you sat next to Himuro. For some reason, the teacher misread your name, and thought it was "Hikaza".

Today, though, Himuro had invited you to come over to his house instead of Murasakibara.

"Sure, Himuro-kun. What movie?" You asked him, plopping down on the couch and resting your feet on the table in front of you.

"I got it yesterday from the rental store, and I have to return it soon. I wanted Atsushi to come watch too, but he said he was bad with horror movies."

In a matter of seconds, you had jumped up to your feet. "Sorry, Himuro-kun, I'll be leaving now... I just remembered a... Uh, a really important thing I had to do for my mom. Well, I'll get my bag and go now... Ahaha..." Rushing to get your bag that was from the front door, you heard a tongue click.

"(F/n) (f/n) (f/n)... I didn't think you were that scared." A taunting voice came from the raven head. "Who knew, the girl who has enough courage to face against a stampede of raging girls, isn't going to watch just a horror movie. I thought you had more guts than this."

Unable to stand back from his taunting words, you replied in a growl, "Fine, I'll watch it. Just let me call my mom and tell her that I'll be staying over at your house."

Your last comment seemed to surprise Himuro. Then, he smirked. "Scared to go home alone? Well, I'll let you stay. Now, let's start the movie."

Even just from the opening, you knew you wouldn't be able to enter the bathroom alone for the next few months. The movie was called The Grudge. It wasn't like the American ones you had thought you were going to watch. It was a Japanese horror film. Which, well, scares you more than anything.

You resisted the strong urge to pull your knees up to your chest and curl into a ball. The first time the boy appeared on the right hand corner, through the railings on the stairs, you jumped and tried not to scream. Slowly, you looked up at Himuro's face. Bad mistake. He was smirking down at you. A light blush adorned your face, and you turned your face back to the TV screen.

Now, you could clearly see the boy since he was being zoomed in. His skin was far too white, and you could see the thick, black eyeliner around his eyes. But that didn't stop you from sliding a bit closer to Yosen's shooting guard.

Then, the second the woman with the long hair appeared, you tried not to scream. Instead, you successfully latched yourself onto Himuro's arm. Realizing what you did, you let go as fast as you grabbed onto him. You could feel the heated gaze coming from the male.

On the screen right now was a... Woman? Creature? Monster? Something of the sort, with sickening crunches as she moved on all fours and had blood on her. You didn't want to grab on to the raven head who would surely make fun of you later, so you covered your eyes with your hands. Peering through the of your fingers, you were successful in not grabbing onto Himuro's arm.

The girl who was now cursed was on the screen. Her once beautiful hair was a mess, and you knew what she was going to do now was going to be the end of her. The character peered through the opening in her window, and a hand shot out, almost punching the girl. The person who punched her was the girls friends who were cursed before her and has died. You bit back a yelp of surprise. Right when the girl was cornered, hands shot out from the shrine behind her. Unable to do anything other than grab onto Himuro's arm for dear life, you didn't let go until the scene was over.

"Scared, are we? Where's all that spunk gone?" Himuro mocked you.

"Well, who cares if I'm scared?! You're the one who forced me to watch this with you!"

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