Music and Basketball (Takao x Reader)

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 "Hey, (y/n)! What are we gonna practice today?" Takao walked by you, along with Midorima. It was the end of class, and you were walking from the cooking classroom to your algebra class.

Being the manager of Shuutoku, you had the dates for practice matches, and what type of practice was going to occur on that day. "Well, I was planning on making all of you run and then practice things that I thought you all need to work on. Why?" You ask the raven heard a question in return.

"Well, it's nothing. Just wanted to know. Right, Shin-chan?" His laid-back personality caused him to reply in a similar manner as him.

And the shooting guards answer. "Don't call me Shin-chan, nanodayo." You sighed. This was the usual pattern.

"Well, I have to go. Can't get to class late." You waved to the both of them, and left.

"Takao, why did you ask (y/n) that kind of a stupid question? You're already stupid as it is, and she'll think that you're even stupider if you keep on asking stupid questions like that. Nanodayo," Midorima said cooly.

"Hey, don't call me stupid so many times in one sentence, Shin-cha~n. It'll make me feel bad," Takao replied, half-crying. "And I'm trying not to ask stupid questions, but they just come out of my mouth~. What should I do? I wanted to ask her out after practice, but I failed!" Takao complained to the carrot.

"I don't know and I don't care, nanodayo." Midorima turned and went to the classroom at a faster pace than Takao. "Just do what you think is right." With that, the green hair went into the classroom where you walked in 2 minutes ago.

"Today, I won't fail."

Lalala Time Skip~

"Okay, let's call it a day now!" You clapped your hands, and all the players from Shuutoku were breathing heavily. Today's training was a bit harder than usual, and therefore, everyone was tired.

"Hey, (y/n), someone's calling you!" One of the lower players yelled. You looked at the entrance, and there was a boy from the music club.

"Shit!" You swore under your breath.

"Whoa, (y/n) swore!" Miyaji added with a smirk.

"Shut up! And what do they want!?" You asked the player who told you that people were here.

"He wants to talk to you!"

"Okay! Tell him I'll be there in a few seconds!" You shouted back. "Okay, everyone. Nice practice today! And sorry, but I'll have to leave earlier than usual. Everyone change and ice! And get plenty of rest! Practice will be like this from now on!" Moans and groans were heard from the majority of the players. "What? Do you guys have anything to say?" You ask threateningly. All the sounds stopped.

"(Y/n), can I go with you?" Takao came up before going into the changing room.

"I'm pretty sure it's okay. I'll be in the music room." Flashing a smile, you waved at the basketball player and jogged to the entrance, not wanting to make the guy wait any longer.

"Okay, so what do you want?" You ask as rudely as possible to the guy.

"Please, (y/n)! Please play the piano for us and sing for us once!" He bowed down multiple times, making you wonder how many more times until his back would break. That would be hilarious, but that's a different story. You sighed. He reminded you of someone you knew from basketball... But wasn't he on a different team?

Sighing again, you put your right hand on the guy's head and ruffled it. "Fine, Takazuki. I'll play the piano and sing, but you have to hand me the sheet music. Alright?"

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