Opposites Attract (Haizaki X Reader)

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 Every day, you were forced by the teacher to find Haizaki before class started. Some days, you were lucky to find him. On other days, you weren't so lucky and couldn't find him or he was with a different girl mostly every week. 

Most mornings went like this:

"(Y/n), find Haizaki and force him here. If you can't find him in the next 10 minutes, just let him be."

"Yes, Sensei."

And then when you find Haizaki, the conversation usually goes like this:

"Haizaki?! Why the fuck do I have to search around the school every day?!"

"Then don't! I hate class!"

"I'm not doing this because I want to!"

"Then don't do it!"
"Shut up! You're coming with me!"

Somehow, you're able to take Haizaki to the classroom like a piece of trash that you drag back every day.

Most of the time, you spent time after school in the basketball courts with Momoi. She was your good friend, so you liked to talk with her. When you learned that Haizaki was also on the basketball team, you were about to scream. You already had to spend time with him during class, but now, even basketball? Today, Momoi asked you to find Haizaki in her place.

"Haizaki! Where are you, you ass?! Why do I always get stuck with trying to find you?!" Walking around the school, you saw him making out in the classroom with a girl. You had it this time.

You banged the entrance of the door, the two looking at you annoyed. "Hey, ya two loverbirds, I need the male to join the basketball practice today. If he doesn't he's gonna get it from Nijimura-Senpai. And me. So I su-"

"Shut the fuck up, (y/n)." Haizaki said tiredly. "I've had too much lecturing from you today."

"Well, it's not my fault that someones too much of an ignorant dick to miss class!"

"It's not my fault school is boring!"

The girl Haizaki was messing with, didn't like how she wasn't included in the conversation. She stood up, glared at you and Haizaki, and left the classroom.

"Why do you always have to screw around with girls? Is it because you're that much of a damn idiot?" You sighed while shaking your head in irritation.

"No, it's not! It's because I'm always bored at school, bitch."
"I think the one acting more like a bitch right now is you. So get your sorry ass moving or else-"

"Or else what, asshole?"

You stomped into the classroom, and pointed a finger at Haizaki's face. "You're gonna get it, that's why, fucktard."

In a second, you were forcefully laid down on the table by Haizaki. You hated yourself when your heart pounded loudly in your chest for a moment there.

Haizaki sneered in your face, "Oh look what we have here. A bitch that can't do anything under me, the "playboy". So, what are you gonna do now?"

You smirked. "This, bitch. Say goodbye to your motherfucking ass now." With that, you flipped Haizaki using your Judo flip. Haizaki lay down on the ground, an awesome K.O.

"Now, you're gonna get hell from Nijimura-Senpai."


You were right, that idiot got hell when he stepped on foot inside the court. Momoi looked surprised.

"Wow, (y/n)! I never knew you can get Haizaki to come to practice!" She congratulated you, and the both of you laughed.

After practice, all the players went into the changing room. You and Momoi started heading home before them, when you realized you forgot your cell phone in the gym.

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