Birthday Promise (Kasamatsu x Reader)

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"Remember (f/n)-cchi, our practice starts at 3 PM! I've already lied to my fangirls that practice was cancelled today and I have a photo shoot, so no one should come-ssu!" Kise told me. He and the other members of the basketball team were helping me have a surprise birthday party for my boyfriend, Yukio.

    "Thanks, Kise! I already put the cake in the fridge right before school started today, Hayakawa, you, Nakamura, Kobori-senpai and I decorated the gym, and I already made the food... So I think that's it! Now let's hide before Moriyama-senpai comes in with Yukio!" Grabbing Kise's hand, I rushed into the gym. There, I saw Coach, Hayakawa, Nakamura, and Kobori-senpai waiting for my command. "Alright everyone! Let's hide before Yukio comes!"

    Everyone, even Coach, hid in their spots, including Kise and I. Kise had turned off the lights before we hid. Now, all that's left is to wait for Yukio...

    "Hey Moriyama, why did you make me late for practice! Since I can't hear anything coming from inside, they must be slacking off... I'll make them practice extra for that." Even from outside the door, I could hear Yukio's muffled voice that was ticked off at Moriyama-senpai.

    "Now now Kasamatsu, don't be like that. It's your birthday, after all. If you don't want to be even later than this, then let's go into the gym." Nice one, Moriyama-senpai!

    I heard the door gym door open, along with much clearer voices from Yukio and Moriyama-senpai.

    "Why're the lights off...?" As Yukio said those words, he turned on the lights. Cue the six of us jumping out (or walking out) of our hiding spots and yelling, "Happy birthday!"

    First, Yukio sighed. Then, he chuckled and said, "Thanks everyone. I'll end practice early today since I know (f/n) would want a party or something. Is that alright with you, Coach?"

    Coach Takeuchi crossed his arms and nodded his head. "Only for today, everyone. But, since we're ending early, work harder than usual! (L/n)-san, do you have the menu for today?" Being the manager, I walked to the coach's office and got out the training regime for today. Handing it to Coach, I went to get the basketballs from the storage room.

    Once everyone started practicing, I got out water, towels, and the supplies needed for the party. While noting what the members were doing, I noticed them sweating more and putting even more effort into practice. Also, it seemed like Coach was giving out more advice than usual. The practice that usually ended at around 7 was finished at 6, an hour earlier.

    "Good work everyone; today was an outstanding practice. Don't forget to stretch and don't stay too late. Also, happy birthday Kasamatsu." With that, Coach Takeuchi left first.

    While most of the basketball players were cleaning up the basketballs that were left on court, Yukio helped me prepare the long table to set the supplies and food on.

    Kissing his cheek, I flashed a quick smile. "Thanks, Yukio! I can prepare the rest, so you help your team members clean up!" Even though we've known each other since middle school, me being the manager of the basketball team Yukio was on, and been together for a few years now, Yukio still blushes whenever I kiss him. Well, it's better than at the beginning, when he could barely talk to me without getting flustered.

    I laid out the plates and forks on the table, along with three types of (f/fruit) and lasagna. By then, the members were already finished with cleaning and were waiting for me to finish. I smiled. "Don't forget, I still have cake."

    Since we were all too lazy to prepare chairs for everyone, we all sat on the ground in a circle. It reminded me of a picnic. During this time, everyone enjoyed themselves, including me. Although, sometimes the topic got too awkward for any girl, it was a pleasurable time. Since they were boys who came, literally, right from practice, the lasagna that I thought was maybe too big was all gone. Even the fruit was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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