💝Chapter 7: Fascinating (Eclair)

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In another place on that same night:

There was someone sitting on the throne, twirling its fingers and hitting the armrest, patiently waiting for five cookies to appear before its presence. The figure was grumbling words that are too complicated to understand. Shortly after, five cookies went inside and faced the one who sits on the throne.

???: So...how's the hunt? Did you find him?

???: No, Master. We've inspected the hut and it appeared to be damaged severely.

???: Maybe he is on the loose and disappeared again? Trying to find supplies to rebuild it?

???: Can't be that though... No matter how far he goes, he'll always go back to the same location. Plus, my small cake hounds have searched the whole forest, and none of them reported to me that he's in there.

???: Could it be...that he's in the kingdom? Where my fath-

Suddenly, the figure used its staff and smacked it to the ground hard, causing a mighty crashing sound across the whole tower.

???: IMPOSSIBLE!! There's no way that plain crumbling man was able to recruit him! FIND HIM AGAIN!! I WILL NOT STOP THIS HUNT UNTIL I CAPTURED HIM AGAIN!! YOU HEAR ME!! GO AS FAR AS BEYOND THE AREA OF HIS HUT!!

That got the five of them scared. They anxiously bowed their heads low until their master went out of her throne room. She then went to her own private lair, which was next to her bedroom, and scrambled through all of the drawers until she found a picture of you. She then lay on her bed and looked at the picture again, then placed it under her pillow.

???: 'No matter what, I'll not stop until you're finally in this tower of mine. You're valuable...too valuable to be let loose. You'll make a fine species and analytics for me to destroy the whole planet of Earthbread.

She snickered as she took off her robe and went to bed, devilishly grinning.

Morning, 8:00 a.m.:

You just woke up from your slumber. You sat up on your bed as you looked out to see the sun shining brightly. You yawned and stretched your arms as you got off your bed.

Thomas: 'Wow... I actually slept quite well. Better than just sleeping on plain grass.'

You laughed silently as you went to your work desk and found the power tool for your bionic arm. You inserted the key in and dialed the daily code for it. The red lights on it started to blink green now, symbolizing you can now turn all your functions on.

Thomas: Well, it's a Friday today. Wonder what's the first thing I should do in this big kingdom. Time to explore I guess.

You opened your door and looked around. You can see that Strawberry and Bon Bon's rooms are still locked, either they are still sleeping or changing. However, Cocoa's room was wide open, and you could smell something mouth-watering downstairs.

Thomas: I guess she must be downstairs.

You sneakily went downstairs and creepily walked to the kitchen. You peeked inside and saw her cooking something with a frying pan while singing a song. It sounded like a melody.

Thomas: 'Wow... I didn't know Cocoa could sing that well...'

You tip-toed towards her as she was still distracted by her singing. You continued tip-toeing until you were right behind her. You then inched just a little more. Then, you took a deep breath.

Thomas: Morning Cocoa-

Cocoa Cookie: AHHH-

She jumped high in the air, as well as the frying pan that contained the food.

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