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Minghao's pov
As i jump at the feeling of hands around me but i smell juns scent so i melt into his touch still a crying mess. "Hao want to come to my house?" He asks and i just nod still crying. "Im taking him to my house you guys can come tomorrow but i think he wants to be alone." Jun tells them and i see them nod. Jun then picks me up and starts walking to the car which is in the parking lot not that far.

Once we get to his car he hugs me really tightly but i couldn't care atleast im in his arms. After a while we let go and get into his car as he drives home. Once we get to his house we get inside and just cuddle not wanting to talk but i can't believe he knows everything now and i hope he doesn't hate me after i can't have him hate me two it would hurt to much so i just sleep.

~Next morning~

As i wake up i see jun looking at me while brushing my hair. "Morning baby feeling better?" He asks and i nod. "Please don't ask anything i hate taking about it." I say and see him nod. "Oh yeah our friends are coming over just to see if you okay is that fine?" He says and i nod snuggling into him more. After a while we hear the door bell so we both get up to see them.

"As we open the door they push us and walk in as if it's they're house but it's juns. "Omg jun no food you broke as rich person." Jeonghan says with a sigh. "Psh whatever anyway im going to the store to get things to cook who wants to come?" Jun asks. "Well go." Scoups, hoshi and mingyu says. He then nods. They then leave after jun kissed me hoshi kissing woozi and mingyu kissing won.

"Hey you good?" Dk asks. "yeah just hate jongdae." I say and he nods. "He hated the picture of us." Josh says pouting. "He tried to get me to take some down but i didn't and he was pretty pissed but i didn't care." I say and they all nod and then we just talk as if last night didn't happen. After they left me and jun cuddled and just watched movies until we fell asleep which was pretty late.

~3 weeks later~

It's been three weeks. I have been walking on eggshells the past weeks. I have been so scared that jun's dad would just find out and i will get fired. But today im not scared. I have my papers that say i quite. I then will tell him im dating his son after i give him the papers. I then take a big sigh before knocking on his door. "Come in." i hear so i do. Once i get in i bow and walk up to him.

"Here sir." i say placing papers on his desk and he reads it. "Your quiting?" He says standing up. "Y-yes sir." I say and bow one more time. "May i ask why?" He says. "W-well im sorry sir but i-im dating y-your.... son." I say and look up to see his reaction. "Oh minghao." He says and hugs me while i just break down crying. "Im so so-sorry sir i went aginst you and im so sorry."

I say. "Minghao my sons gay so i only put that rule so girls would stop bothering him but i knew one day he would meet his partner even if they work for us." He says and i let out a shaky breath. "Still im sorry." I say and he just chuckles. "Minghao your our best worker why would i fire you because my son if anything i'll fire him for you." He says and i laugh a bit.

"Wow dad i thought you loved me but you would give me up for my boyfriend? cold." I hear juns voice so i turn around to him with a smile. "Minghao your crying come on i don't like seeing you cry." Jun says walking to me and pulls me into a hug. "Sh-shut up." I say and he just laughs. We then all talk a bit them go back to work because well we have to.


Hello i know it's a bad ending but it's fine :). Anyway hope you liked it but that all bye.

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