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Today Neymar has to go to Brazil for WK final against England. he asked if I wanted to come along so I have to get ready we leave in 3 hours. I'm really looking forward to it because I'm also going to see Marcus again after a long time and Kylie is also coming along 3 hours later I hear Neymar knocking hello love I give him a kiss and we got in the car to the airport. *on the plane* I sat in the middle Neymar sat by the window and Kylie sat next to me. I fell asleep on Neymar's lap. *Arrived* A taxi picked us up and took us to the hotel I slept in a room with Neymar and Kylie slept alone in a room. Tomorrow was the game so today We still had time to do fun things yes me and Kylie because Neymar had to train all day.

 Tomorrow was the game so today We still had time to do fun things yes me and Kylie because Neymar had to train all day

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Liked by: Kyliesilva,Marcusrashford,neymarsliva,judebellingham,y/nfanaccx


Me and Kylie decided to go to Neymar's training. Next to him England also trained so I could see Marcus right away. We got in the car and after 15 minutes we arrived. We got out and walked to the field Neymar saw me and came to the side to give a hug. I walked on the field to go to Marcus he didn't know I was coming. He saw me and ran to me and I to him and gave him a hug both teams looked at us
OMG y/n- Marcus
Hi Marcus
The whole team came in from England and then Marcus asked if you wanted to go to a party later in the day.
I said yes Marcus will you come pick me up at 8?
Yes that's OK- Marcus.

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