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Jungkook woke up like he did most days to the shrill ringing of his alarm and an annoyed Namjoon smacking his chest. He always set his alarm extra early just in case and, despite it being months since the room swap,Namjoon would still whine about it every morning from under their shared duvet.

Through his sleep-deprived haze, Jungkook blindly felt for his phone while it continued to blast obnoxious beeps intermittently. Even once the offending noise was silenced Namjoon continued to moan about the horrors of being awake before 10 am.

Taehyung had always been a much deeper sleeper. The older boy had never once been disturbed by Jungkook's incessant ringtone. He wouldn't even stir while Jungkook would extract himself from the interlocking mess of limbs they'd inevitably become during the night.

Jungkook would wake up the others first, letting Taehyung get a few measly minutes more. Jungkook rationalised his obvious favouritism from the fact that Taehyung had trouble falling asleep and therefore deserved the few extra minutes. Jungkook smiled as he thought back to how he'd have to shake the older boy awake, coaxing him out of whatever dream had him smiling in his sleep.

Taehyung had always looked so confused when he first woke up, his eyes squinting as the morning light hit him. His hair would be a mess with one side flattened from resting on Jungkook's chest the night before. He would always try wheedling a few more minutes out of Jungkook, his words mumbled around unrelenting yawns.

Honestly, Jungkook would've liked nothing better than to lie back down on their shared mattress and let the world keep turning without them. Although the rational side of Jungkook knew that would give bang pd every excuse to kick his ass out of the company. So, instead, he would settle for tickling Taehyung until the elder boy was rolling onto their cold bedroom floor in fits of laughter, erasing any tiredness for that moment.

Jungkook missed those mornings that were always so full of raspy laughter and sleepy smiles.

Jungkook, being so caught up in the past, barely noticed Namjoon accidentally standing on him in an attempt to step over him and out of the room. Even doubled over in pain, he didn't mind rooming with Namjoon all that much. It helped them get along better but Jungkook couldn't deny that he missed Taehyung.

Ever since the move, they don't talk as much.

Jungkook blamed those stupid bugs that Namjoon is so terrified of. He hoped Taehyung was ok because he knows the elder is just as freaked out by bugs as Namjoon is.

Jungkook distinctly remembered the look of horror on his face when a spider had decided to grace their dorm one day. Taehyung had refused to leave the bathroom until he was one hundred per cent sure that the creature had been evicted and that all the windows were closed.

What confused him the most was the fact that Namjoon didn't even need to ask Taehyung to move. Taehyung had just offered to swap with Namjoon out of nowhere over breakfast one morning.

Jungkook had sulked for days.

"I don't want you to swap", he whined the morning of the move while Taehyung busied himself with filling a gym bag with tee-shirts. Jungkook was sitting on their mattress, refusing to help as a sign of protest, arms crossed and brow furrowed.

"It's for the best, kook. We've talked about this." Taehyung had sighed, not even turning around to look at Jungkook.

Jungkook got up from his position on the mattress and shuffled over to his soon-to-be ex-roommate, a frown still clouding his features.

"It's what's best for Namjoon, not me hyung. I'm going to lose my teddy bear." He had teased, wrapping both of his arms around Taehyung from behind. Jungkook had pulled him in close, a cripplingly tight back hug that had the elder boy's shoulders tense momentarily.

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