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Taehyung woke up without needing an alarm for the first time in years. He must've fallen asleep halfway through his conversation with Yoongi last night as he was still in Yoongi's bed.

Taehyung rolled over, but couldn't feel the warmth of the older boy. Sitting up, he glanced over to his bed and found Yeontan curled up alone, lightly snoring.

Taehyung's back hurt, but it was probably just from sleeping on someone else's mattress. Taehyung felt around 'til he found his phone and lit the screen up in the dark room. He ignored the twist of guilt he felt at seeing all the notifications from Jin and Jimin.

The screen read 4 a.m. Taehyung had slept for ten hours straight. He slid his thumb across the screen, unlocking his phone but still left Jin and Jimin's messages unread. He would apologise in the morning for worrying them.

Instead, Taehyung opened his chat with Jungkook. The last thing he'd sent the elder was from weeks ago before they fell out over the collaboration. It was embarrassing how fuzzy he felt looking over the goofy photos they'd sent each other.

It was as he was smiling stupidly down at a particular picture of Jungkook that he heard the front door open with a bang. One of the members must have gone out drinking or something. They were home so late.

Taehyung didn't have to see whoever it was to know they were drunk. He could hear how they stumbled around the living room making loads of noise, probably bumping into stuff.

Taehyung hoped the said person not be too drunk. Jin would be so annoyed if one of his kids (except Namjoon but that's between us) were hungover tomorrow. While they didn't have practice 'til 11 a.m., going out and drinking wasn't a good idea with their comeback a little over two weeks away. It was when he heard a gentle thump and subsequent groan that Taehyung decided he best check up on whoever it was.

Taehyung snuck out of his room, full of curiosity, only to find Jungkook lying face down on the couch, with one of his shoes still on and his hair a mess. He wasn't sleeping though, as Taehyung could pick up some mumblings from the older. The elder didn't know what to do.

Should he make his presence known? Or would that cause the Jungkook from earlier to reappear? If this was two days ago, Taehyung would've helped him to his room without a second thought.

Things were different now.

Jungkook might snap at him for even just being here, never mind how angry he'd get at needing the elder's help. Taehyung couldn't just leave him though. What if he got sick and choked on his vomit? Sure, Taehyung was upset with Jungkook, but he wasn't down for committing manslaughter.

Taehyung was ripped out of his morbid thoughts by Jungkook shifting so that he was lying on his back, his eyes closed. Taehyung edged closer to the sleeping boy, his nose scrunched. The smell of him was something foul. Jungkook must've gone out drinking after their fight. Taehyung could make out what the younger was saying now and it made him feel about ten different emotions all at once.

"Taehyungieee....." Jungkook whined pathetically, a hand reaching out to grab at thin air.

For a terrifying second, Taehyung thought Jungkook had seen him come in and was about to shout him down as he had only hours before, but Jungkook was completely out of it. If he was saying Taehyung's name he was probably having a bad dream.

Taehyung stood above him and waited till he had quieted down entirely, making sure he was in a deep enough sleep so he wouldn't wake up. Firstly, Taehyung took Jungkook's remaining shoe off, placing it with the other by the door. Then he went to the kitchen, returning with a glass of water and two painkillers. He had a feeling Jungkook's head wouldn't be the clearest tomorrow. He couldn't deny he felt a little dumb going to all this trouble for someone who had made it clear they didn't like him.

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