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"I swear, he really does like grapes," Jungkook muttered for what felt like the tenth time that day as they drove to the vet. Once Yeontan had finished getting sick on Jungkook, taehyung had picked him up and demanded that Jungkook drive them to their local vet as he was the one who'd attempted to 'murder' him.

Jungkook had tried to explain everything, but taehyung wasn't having any of it, opting to yell at Jungkook to hurry up. So, he had changed his socks and grabbed his keys and now here they were, shrouded in the heavy silence of the company's car.

"I'm not talking to you. You tried to kill my dog." taehyung snapped, worriedly petting the ball of fluff that was yeontan on his lap.

"It was an accident! How was I supposed to know that dogs are allergic to grapes?" Jungkook demanded, trying to focus on not crashing the car.

"How stupid can you be?" taehyung countered, turning to look at Jungkook in exasperation. "Ugh, stop saying things. I told you I'm not talking to you. Just drive."

"Yeontan would back me up if he could talk," Jungkook mumbled, childishly pouting at taehyung while they were stopped at a traffic light. The elder boy was staring out the windscreen, refusing to acknowledge Jungkook's presence or his words. He could've sworn though that at his words taehyung's mouth twitched a little in amusement. It was most likely just Jungkook's imagination as taehyung turned to glare at him, not a trace of humour in his features.

"The light is green. Go." taehyung snapped, jerking his head in the direction of the traffic light impatiently. Jungkook hurried to comply, almost making the engine cut out in his rush to get the car moving again. It was so strange being alone with taehyung like this. Especially after everything that had happened.

Jungkook didn't know what to do with himself.

He had so many questions for the elder that he knew he didn't deserve the answers to. Jungkook wondered if had taehyung eaten yet today. Had he been eating well while in the hospital? How was he feeling right now? Was he in any pain? Did he eat those snacks Jungkook bought him or did he throw them out? Did he like the flowers that stupid intern brought him or did he think they were tacky just like Jungkook had?

Before Jungkook knew it, they were outside the veterinary practice and taehyung was stepping out of the car with Yeontan and Jungkook's questions were left to sit in a dark corner of his mind.

Jungkook hurried out after the elder, jogging to catch up. taehyung barely spared him a glance as he held the door open for Jungkook. Once they were both inside, taehyung pushed past Jungkook to rush to the front desk where a woman smiled at him in recognition.

"What brings you here, taehyung? How is our Yeontan doing?" The receptionist cooed, leaning over to stroke the still drowsy dog in taehyung's arms. Jungkook hovered awkwardly just behind taehyung's shoulder, unsure what to do with himself.

"he's not feeling great at the moment," taehyung answered, worry lacing his tone. "This idiot fed him grapes." taehyung scoffed scornfully, gesturing to a nervous Jungkook behind him. The receptionist finally acknowledged Jungkook's existence, peering over taehyung's shoulder curiously.

"Don't worry, these things happen. he's in good hands now." She assured Jungkook kindly, sending him a sympathetic smile. taehyung looked like he was about to protest anyone being this nice to Jungkook, but the receptionist was already rifling through papers on her desk, paying them no heed.

"It's your lucky day! We've no appointments booked so Younghyun can see you in the next ten minutes or so. You can take a seat boys." The receptionist waved them over to the couches and plastic chairs before disappearing into a back room, leaving taehyung and Jungkook alone once again. Pretending as if Jungkook wasn't there, taehyung walked over to the empty seats, cradling Yeontan closer to his chest once he was properly seated.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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