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A muffled bang jolted Yoongi awake. He blinked as his head ached from lack of sleep, the nap really hadn't helped much.

'The others must be home already. How long did I sleep?' Yoongi thought groggily.

He stretched his arms over his head, smiling sleepily as he received a satisfying pop in response. Yeontan stirred beside him, rolling over in her sleep as Yoongi scratched behind her ears.

Jimin always said he hated when Yoongi napped in his room with Yeontan but more often than not the older woke up to Jimin beside him, Yeontan curled up on his chest.

Yoongi listened out to try to distinguish which one of the members was making so much noise. All he could pick up was a sharp yell of "Understand me?" through the walls. With a furrowed brow he got up to investigate.

Whoever it was sounded like they were really pissed.

Quietly, Yoongi opened Jimin's door to an empty living room, which just confused him further 'til he heard a low, dangerous voice that he recognised to his left.

"I can't even fucking look at you right now." He heard Jungkook's hoarse voice say. It sounded like it was coming from the bathroom.

'Who the hell is he talking to?'

Yoongi considered checking up on him, but before he could make a move the bathroom door flew open. Yoongi involuntarily stepped back, unsure of himself. Jungkook seemed to pass him by in a blur as if unaware of his surroundings.

"Hey, kook, you alright?" Yoongi called to him but the youngest didn't register Yoongi's words or presence as he stormed towards the front door. Yoongi started to follow him but was stopped in his tracks by a single whimper.

The front door slammed as Yoongi padded towards the bathroom, dread pooling in his stomach. The bathroom door was slightly ajar and as he got closer he could hear the unmistakable sound of sobbing.

His heart sank as he slowly pushed the door open to reveal Taehyung curled in on himself, hyperventilating with sobs wracking his body.

"Taehyung..." Yoongi started softly, edging slowly into the bathroom. Taehyung didn't seem to hear him even when Yoongi was crouched in front of him, calling his name in an attempt to coax in him out of his ball.

"Taehyung." He tried again reaching out to touch Taehyung's arm. The younger instantly recoiled, yelling out and looking up at Yoongi with unfiltered fear in his eyes.

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry," Yoongi backtracked holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm not going to touch you again, just keep looking at me ok?" The older assured.

He couldn't believe how stupid he'd been. Of course, Taehyung would startle. Yoongi felt terrible, but at least he had gotten him to uncurl himself enough to maintain eye contact.

Taehyung still had his arms wrapped around his legs, hugging them to his chest as his eyes flitted around the room. Yoongi moved his head into the younger's eye line trying to grab his attention once more.

"Hey Tae, remember you have to keep looking at me, my eyes," Yoongi said firmly.

"I-I'm s-sorry, I'm so-so, so sorry, I can't make it stop, i-it hurts, why won't it stop? H-he was r-right I'm br-broken." Taehyung rushed out so fast Yoongi could barely catch it all.

"You're ok," Yoongi reassured him calmly though on the inside he was shaking. He knew he had to be strong for Taehyung. "Just focus on me."

Taehyung managed to keep eye contact but Yoongi could tell he was still panicking as the speed of his breathing never slowed. He knew he needed to distract Taehyung from whatever was causing this but how?

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