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It wasn't until lunchtime later that day that Yoongi Namjoon and Jin arrived home, weary and reeking of the hospital. The other members were all waiting for them in the living room, not having moved much on their day off except for the necessities. They'd just been lying there watching re-runs of old shows and throwing glances at the door every few minutes.

Jungkook was the first to hear the key rattling in the door, suddenly sitting up at the sound, fully alert. Yoongi and Jin barely had time to toe off their shoes before Jimin was bombarding them with a million questions, standing up to pull the pair into a bone-crushing hug. Jungkook noticed the pair were holding hands while including Jin in the hug. He tried to not overthink the skinship. It was just something Yoongi and Jimin did. It didn't mean that, did it? All this shit with Taehyung was messing with Jungkook's perception.

"Let them breathe, Jimin." Jungkook softly scolded from his spot on the couch. The said boy looked affronted but acquiesced with a huff, still holding yoongi. Jin broke the hug and sat on the couch.

Yoongi and Jimin looked about two seconds away from collapsing, leaning on each other for support as if they couldn't hold themselves up. Yoongi must've felt the weight of Jungkook's gaze on him because he suddenly looked up and made eye contact with Jungkook. The younger noted how quickly Yoongi pulled away from Jimin after that, stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets and refusing to meet anyone's eyes. The look of hurt that flashed in Jimin's eyes didn't escape Jungkook either.

What was happening to their group?

"Sit down, guys, you must be exhausted." Namjoon who was standing at the door said exhaustively, coming to sit beside Jin. Jin sent Namjoon a small smile in thanks as the leader made room to sit.

It was Jimin who asked the question that had tormented them all night long.

"Is he ok?"

The sigh Jin breathed out and the defeated slump in his shoulders had Jungkook's mind jumping to the worst of conclusions. Jungkook tried to push the fear down as he wrapped an arm around Jin, rubbing up and down his arm. His best friend leaned into Jungkook's touch before delivering the news.

"He'll be ok, but right now... no, he isn't. He has to stay in the hospital for a week or two. He fell practising a few weeks ago and didn't tell anyone. Even when he's allowed home he won't be able to perform or anything like that, but he can attend fansigns."

Jungkook's stomach plummeted at Jin's words. It wasn't just over-exertion or the diet, things that could be relatively easy to fix. Injuries always brought with them the possibility of long-term effects and relapses. Taehyung may get better this time, but he'd have to be careful from now to make sure he didn't injure himself again. If it happened again, who knows if he'd be able to continue dancing?

A black cloud hung over the group as Jin finished filling them in on what the doctors had said. Hoseok was the first one to break the gloomy silence, his smile like the sun breaking through a thick fog.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We have a Taehyung to go cheer up! Come on, guys." Hoseok grinned, jumping up and tugging Jimin and Namjoon with him. Jungkook felt Jin stand up, his knees cracking as he moved, and without a second thought, he pulled the younger down to sit beside him.

"Oh no you don't. You're staying here and sleeping on a proper bed. Let Hobi Hyung mother Taehyung for once." Jungkook ordered, caging Jin to his chest with his arms. Out of the corner of his eye, Jungkook could've sworn he saw Namjoon bristle at the end of the couch.

"Same goes for you, Namjoon Hyung."

"Whatever." Namjoon huffed, crossing his arms and frowning at his lap.

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