⚠️⚠️Chapter 18: Will Adrien Be There?

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As Chat leaped roof to roof, Marinette stared at him. The wind blowing through his ruggedy hair made them look so silky. The wind was cold rendering his soft pale cheeks red. In this moonlight, his green eyes glowed even more. Chat's silhouette was perfect. His smile was so innocent, Marinette could feel her heart warm up.

"Thanks, Chaton"

"Oh don't worry about it, Marinette. You can use my van any time" Chat said smiling at her

"No, not just that. Thanks for looking out for me. I sometimes think you blame yourself for leaving me a little too much. I don't want you to feel guilty. It's just... sometimes Adrien is too much for me"

Chat's smile turned into a frown. "I understand, Marinette. I'm sorry I don't know what you're going through. You must really miss him huh?" Chat tried to act calm but he really wanted Marinette to tell him whether she missed Adrien.

Marinette knew Chat expected a yes from him but she didn't wanna lie either.

"Frankly, I don't know. Every year, we have a get-together with my high-school friends. Every year I send Adrien an invitation in hopes that he'd showed up. But every year, I know even this year, he won't show up." Marinette wasn't sure why she was telling him this. Perhaps she wanted him to know how she felt on the other side of the door

Chat stopped on a roof and looked at her upset face. "Im sorry Marrinette"

With tears in her eyes Mari said, "Don't be Chat. It's not your fault. It's mine. To expect so much from a boy who just wants to live his life." Marinette wiped her tears

"Goddamn it!.. I didn't mean to cry. I just, I don't even know what I'd say to him, you know! If I see him what would I even do? Hug him? Punch him? Or just a simple Hello, Adrien. I just don't know. I hope he comes bit I haven't even planned what I should do next"

"Punch him. He deserves it." Chat said as he continued to leap over buildings

"Haha sure. I think Alya would Punch him though! Nino would hug him for sure. Everyone would really be happy if he makes it. I just.. hope he makes it tomorrow" Marinette said hoping Chat remembered

"Tomorrow where?!" Chat enquired

Marinette sighed. She knew he'd forget. "To the Get-Together."

"Yeah, right" said Chat. Even he wasn't sure if he'll make it.

Marinette was so done. Chat had all the answers but he won't budge. She had had enough of his cowardly act.

Chat landed in front of the van while Marinette fell silent. He opened the door and laid her down on her feet. Marinette stood in the Van quietly trying to calm herself down but the blood boiling inside her couldn't take it anymore.

As Chat turned after closing the door, Marinette slammed his back to it and held his collar. With tears gushing down her face she shouted,


Marinette looked in his eyes longingly. She knew she was fetching answers he just didn't have.

"I- Marinette- I", Chat fumbled. He was sure Marinette didn't know about his identity but the way she asked him felt like she saw right through his mask addressing Adrien.

Marinette leaped in his arms hugging him. She cried her heart out. As Chat picked her up, Marinette curled her legs around his waist. As he walked towards his bedroom, Chat wanted to see her happy again. He just hoped to hug her tightly and make her pain go away. He thought it would be better if she slept again as maybe not physically, but mentally she was tried. He sat down on the bed while Marinette cried sitting in his lap, her knees rest on the bed.

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