Episode three

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{~William POV~}

We went to the mall before going home, thought i could spoil him for a while

"why're we here?" he asked quietly, tilting his head "You want toys?"i asked, he nodded "Then we are here to buy it" i said "... what?" he said

I pulled him to the korean/japanese toy section ".. woah.." he mutters "choose as many as you like" i said "... Expensive.."he mutters "So? I have ten black cards and five 100 dollar bills, i can buy you anything you want" i said "... too many.." he mutters again "you want too many stuff? Alright, ill call up a few men to carry them" i said "... Its still... too expensive..." he said "im an adult.. I don't need toys.."he mutters shyly, pinning his ears to his head blushing deeply "And yet you like sippy cups, if you don't buy over 20 toys ill make you sleep outside, i don't make jokes" i said sternly

His ears immediately shot up, "okay okay! Sorry.." he mutters

I took a shopping cart and spoke "put anything you want in there" i said with a reassuring smile

"Can you pick..?" he asks "fine then" i said

Quickly, i took a lot of toys, not caring about the price, cooking toys, plushies, anything thats of my interest

I look at him, he looked dumbfounded "looks like you'll need a lot more" i said smirking...

I kept putting in toys, a lot of them, vintage sets, aesthetically pleasing toys, an entire wooden table to put them on, those surprise packs and everything

Oh, i almost forgot

I put a pack of pacifiers in "now, for books, lets pay" i said

I turn around and saw him close to tears ".. You okay?" i asked worriedly "... Its just that.. I've never had someone buy me gifts before..." he said, i went to him "you should expect it from now on, i'll buy you loads" i said with a smile, i purposely made my voice in the end deeper ".. thank you" he said wagging his tail, i chuckle and rubbed his head

We payed, it was 50,819,294 dollars... Decent "So expensive.." he mutters

He's been going over the receipt, he's probably looked at it over 30 times already "I spend 500,000,000 dollars on groceries and you think THATS much?" i said laughing, he seemed more embarrasses and flustered, how is he so easy to please? I took my phone and secretly snapped a picture "You wanna eat?" i asked, his ears perked up, he nodded "please" he said "no need to beg dear.. If its okay for me to call you dear" i said "more than okay!" he said happily

We went to an expensive restaurant, "... Expensive...!" he said alarmed, "Just order" i said smiling ".. But-" "Hikari, order" i said a bit more sternly, he got scared and ordered a 600 dollar hamburger and fries combo "just for things you can order cheaper..." he mutters "welcome to the rich and wealthy life" i said chuckling

I ordered a 5000 dollar steak, while waiting, he looked extremely bored and tired "you wanna watch something?" i asked, he nodded, i open my phone and let him watch a youtuber i like watching during my free time..

If i even get any...

Itsfunneh and the krew, they're either cringe and chaotic, or extremely chaotic and loud, i like it

He was watching and laughing and giggling

How is he.. so adorable?

Finally our food came, and he ate..

We left the restaurant, then i heard a familiar voice.. "Hey william!" i turn around along with Hikari "James, alex when did you two get here?" i said coldly "Cold ass..." alex mutters

The two got closer and before i knew it, hikari hid himself behind me, yet i know they can see him, his tail is swaying around "Who's that?" James asked pointing at Hikari

I held his wrist and calmly pulled him out of hiding, i gently placed my hand on his waist "A friend" i said smiling, he looked down blushing deeply, i hope he likes this "Girl or boy? Looks like a femboy" alex asked deeply inspecting Hikari "A boy, just has feminine features" i said
I felt a hand around my waist and noticed he was nervously hugging me, i laughed

"He can't be just a friend" James said "you laughed, you never laugh cold ass!" he said playfully hitting me

"So?" i asked

"he's a shy one ain't he?" Alex said "Hi" he siad again waving at hikari ".. Hi..." Hikari whispers "he your boyfriend little one?" he asked "... No.." Hikari mutters, tightening his hug "You wanna be his boyfriend?" James jokingly asks "Hey!" i said "... Maybe..." Hikari mutters "what?" i said looking at him

He shyly looked away "did your job for you" Alex said snickering "damn you"

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