Ep. 26

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{~William POV~}

Its been a few days since he started and he's been going smoothly and perfectly, though i still hate achilles...

"Wooo!!" hikari said leaving the rink happily hugging me "Sir achilles said im ready for competitions now!!" he said hugging me "really? Congrats my love~" i said pulling him in by the waist and kissing him "mwah! Lets go celebrate!" he said dragging me outside "actually i think Alex and Ezra are here, wanna go meet them?" i ask ruffling his hair "ezra?! Okay okay!" he said as i drag him to the mall

We got to the mall and i text Alex


Hey, where're you guys?

Alex: Oh, we're at the toy store

What're you two doing at the toy store?

Alex: buying Ezra's younger brother toys of course

Okay, stay there, toys r us?

Alex: yeah


"okay, they're at toys r us" i said "what're they doing there?" hikari asks "they were buying toys for Ezra's younger brother" i said "okay, but lets buy icecream first, dairy queen!" he said energetically as he dragged me to a nearby dairy queen "oreo blizzard" he said as he sat down and i ordered, i ordered myself a mango icecream

"so, did achilles say when you were gonna fight in competitions?" i asked opening my phone "mhm! He said he's trying to find me competitions for beginners" he said before stretching ".. Ok" i said coldly

His icecream and mine was finished, we went to toys r us and began to look for Ezra, Alex and ezra's younger sibling

"William!" Alex said before smacking my head, i yelp and look at him "what the hell?!" i said, i notice him holding a black-haired fox with brown eyes just like Ezra except ezra's eyes were green "Hey hikari" Ezra said as he and hikari hugged "Aww! Is he your brother ezra?" Hikari asks as Ezra nodded "yeah! His name is Damien" Ezra said as Alex let damien go and run off to his brother "aww~ hello damienn~" Hikari said as he pat damien's head "So, what're you two doing here?" Alex asks

"hikari just finished is ice skating lessons and we wanted to go out so here we are" i said "Okay! Lets go eat out" Hikari said energetically "Again? But dear we just ate icecream" I said sighing "That was just us two dummy! How about Alex, ezra and little damien?!" hikari said pouting "fine.." i said kissing his forehead

We walked to a fast food restaurant and ordered, whilst Damien, hikari and ezra spoke to each other

"... Do you know how James and Riley have been?" Alex asks "God damn it! James wont make the first fucking move. Riley is still shy as ever. and THEY WONT GET ANYWHERE!" i almost yelled out groaning "Bro code dude, bro code" he said smirking

"we had a code?" i asked confusedly, sipping some red wine

"... Ugh, its a sign we need to help him make the first move, you know James' account password right?" he asked, i choke on my drink and coughed some wine out "you aren't.." i said he nodded i sigh

I took out my phone and logged into James' account and texted riley

Suddenly, Alex burst out laughing "look at the nickname he has for riley" he said laughing

'My love <3'

"don't act as if your nickname for Ezra isn't 'little kitsune' with a heart and fox emoji next to it, Alex" i said sternly, he stopped laughing and rolled his eyes as i open Riley's chat box and began texting him, acting like James


Hey Riley, When're you available?: James

My Love <3: Hmm... Im not that sure, maybe fri or sat?

Ohh, okay, wanna go out friday night?: james

My love <3: oh? Sure! Where? Also, why the sudden request?

The park maybe? I heard a fair will open friday night: James

My love <3: sure! Ill meet you at?

Maybe 8?: James

My love <3: alright! Ill see you, bye!

Thanks, bye!: James


I took a screenshot of the whole conversation and logged out of his account with Alex giggling and kicking his feet like a highschool girl seeing her crush

I sent the screenshots to James, who immediately went online and replied "FUCK YOU!!"

Alex chuckled "thank us later" i reply

"... are you two okay?" Ezra asks looking at us weirdly, we nodded

"Food is heree!' Damien said as Hikari chuckled "eat up" i said 

My savior.. (MxB)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora