Ep. 20

842 26 1

{~William POV~}

Hikari's birthday is coming up next week, and i have nothing to give! sex? He wont like it, gifts are too... Simple in too many ways... Devices? I bought him an iphone 13 and he doesn't even touch it! Books? He's not even finished with like- 24 of them! Toys? He only plays with ONE SET at a time!!

What do i do?

I groaned, putting my hands on my face, gosh this was harder than i thought!

I sighed and decided to call the others

"hey" i said once they answered




Yeah? Is Hikari okay?



Hikari is fine kian.. Its just that.. His birthday is next week and i don't know what to give him..

Wait what?!!

So you're telling us.. Hikari's birthday IS next week and WE didn't know?!!

Yes, so help me pick gifts!


He's still reading 24 of them


Plays with one set a day


Has a closet full of them, two infact

Well.. Has he shown some interest in something new lately?

I bought him ice-skating a few weeks ago, he seems interested in the sport

Then.. You can get him lessons?

Woah woah Alex, we're not even sure if Hikari likes the sport THAT much!

Its worth a try

Well.. We also can show him off if he manages through the competitions and stuff

Also, if Hikari WERE to be a figure skater, then he would be the first ever Neko to do so, who knows maybe he would be an icon of history since.. Y'know.. Neko's are discriminated

Should i ask him about it?

No! You would be spoiling the gift... You can buy him ice skates.. Then a few.. Y'know what how bout we go with you?


Shopping for hikari's clothes

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