Voice, never forget.

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In realms of memory, where echoes reside,There lies a voice that I can't cast aside

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In realms of memory, where echoes reside,
There lies a voice that I can't cast aside.
A timbre gentle, like whispers in the breeze,
Its cadence etched within my soul with ease.

Oh, please, don't let me lose that cherished sound,
Let not its essence in oblivion drown.
For in his voice, a symphony I found,
A melody that echoed love profound.

With every word, a tender lullaby,
That touched my heart and made my spirit fly.
It carried warmth, like sunshine on my face,
And held me in its tender, sweet embrace.

His voice, a beacon in the darkest night,
Guiding me through shadows, holding me tight.
Its resonance, a balm for weary souls,
A refuge where my heart finds calm and goals.

The way he laughed, a chorus of pure joy,
Enchanting like a song without alloy.
And when he spoke of dreams, his voice would soar,
Painting vivid worlds I yearned to explore.

So, I implore the fates, don't let it fade,
This treasured voice that time cannot evade.
For even if our paths should drift apart,
His voice will linger, etched upon my heart.

And when the years have passed, and I am old,
May his voice be the tale that I have told.
A testament to love and memories,
A legacy of whispers on life's breeze.

So, please, don't let me forget his voice,
A treasure that my spirit shall rejoice.
For in those echoes, I will find my way,
Guided by the voice that won't decay.


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