Recovering again

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I didn't really like where this was going.
It only started because we didn't have enough food.
If only I had enough rice.

„Y/N!!" Zenitsu yelled, making me cut off my thoughts of „what ifs"
I looked towards him worried.
„Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned tone.
I nodded and stared at the dishes that I was cleaning.

„I think.. I should go get some fresh air.." I muttered to him. He nodded and let me pass the door.

I never really felt this anxious before.
Why did this have to happen to me. If only-
No.. stop it Y/N.
I should stop thinking about such nonsense.
Just take a deep breath and relax.

I walked towards the river and sat down in the soft grass. No one would expect anything special from me but somehow this man makes me feel things.
Now seeing him hurt makes me somehow distressed.

I look into my reflection..
The water seems so calm and peaceful..
Already by the sound of the water makes me relax a bit. I wonder if the water-


I flinched by that sudden scream.
I was just about to lose myself in my thoughts.
I stood up and looked where that yell came from.

It was Inosuke and Tanjiro carrying Rengoku..

I sigh in relief and disbelief.
I was happy to see them but also anxious to see what happened to Rengoku.

I ran towards them. I instantly checked them for wounds. The only most serious wound was Rengokus..

Looks like his stitches have been torn..
The fact that I gave so much effort to do them nicely.
All that effort went flowing down the river.
Well I have no choice but to do them again.

I tried helping them carry him. With my injured leg,
didn't really work well.

As we finally made it into my house.
I immediately started stitching him again.
Meanwhile Tanjiro sent his raven to get the Kakushi.
Zenitsu was right.. he really needed to see the moth mansion.. or something like that.

Was it called the insect mansion?

Afterwards, Ive let Rengoku rest in the guest room.
I've told the boys not to disturb him.
I've never been so nervous before.

Soon after the night has fallen..
We all went to sleep..
Except me..

I was to anxious to sleep..
After all what happened.
No, it's not possible to sleep.
Not now.

Mom and B/N told me that they'll come home early in the morning.
That's also when the Kakushi are coming to get Rengoku and the boys.

Looking at the night sky kind of reminds me of dad.
He always used to tell me about the stars and astronomy. It was kind of interesting.
If only he could be here right now..

I sigh to myself. Before I could go into my room, I've heard a creek coming out of Tanjiros box.
He told me that I should ignore every sound coming out of that box. But if I had to be honest, that only makes me more curious.

I walk towards it and open it slightly..
what the-

There was a tiny girl.
With massive pink eyes, staring at me.
What in the world?!

I've never imagined that boy would've carried a human being on his back.

The small girl crawled out and grew and grew...
Is that really a human being?!

I stepped slowly back..
I swear to god... if that's a demon?!

I was trembling in fear..
Suddenly I was frozen in place.
I wanted to scream for help but for some reason I couldn't.

Come on! Move Y/N!!! SCREAM!!
My body wasn't cooperating with me.
The girl- or I don't know.. creature was walking up to me.

I couldn't move at all.
My face was blue and I could hear my heart racing.
My knees were shaking...

I closed my eyes and expected the worst..
But suddenly everything felt so warm.
Like a cozy campfire..

This girl was..
hugging me?!

I stopped trembling and opened my eyes.
My eyes were filling up with tears.
I don't know why but somehow this girl makes me feel secure.

I welcomed her with my open arms.
Her scent is comforting.
But I know..
She's not human.

As she let go, I saw it in her face that she was smiling.

It was hard to tell because of that bamboo muzzle.
I don't know why but somehow her face features were really alike to Tanjiros..

Could it be.. this is Tanjiros sister?
She got turned...into a demon.
I wonder how he felt as he found out...

I started warming up the rice from last night.
Because I know that she was hiding in that box the whole time.

I know that demons eat human flesh but somehow I'm scared that this girl hungers to death.
So I decided randomly to cook her something.
And yep, it's the left over rice.

After a few minutes I gave her a small dish of rice.
She knew that it was food but I don't really think that she expected it from me.

I told her that she can eat as much as she wants.
She looked at me and gave me that reassuring look.
I smiled at her and gave her a little head pat.
As I looked away for a second.
The dish was empty.
I stood there in shock but to be honest what did I have to expect from a demon.

I took the dish and placed it in the sink.
At the moment I was too lazy to do any dishes, cause who wants to do the dishes in the middle of the night?

Before I knew it the sun was starting to rise.
I gave her a little warm hug goodbye before she disappeared into her box.

I didn't really expect it from me to stay up the whole night but what I've been through has already been done.

Before I knew it, Tanjiro appeared in the living room. I could see it in his face he was looking for me.
As he saw me he ran straight towards me.
„Good morning! How did you-" he cut himself off.
If I had to guess, he wanted to ask me how did I sleep.

I can now assume that I have huge eyebags.
„that doesn't really matter." I said and started cleaning up the rest of the dishes in the sink.
„Y/N this isn't really healthy.." I could hear it in his voice that he was concerned.

As I cleaned the last dish I spoke „thanks for your concern but I'm fine really."
He nodded but I can sense it that he wasn't feeling relieved.

„I'm sorry if we put a lot of stress on your shoulders." He said while looking at the floor.
He really seemed guilty.
„it's okay, this is how I'll thank you back for saving me back then." I said while ruffling his hair.
„don't have your head down. Or else you'll feel bad the rest of the day." I spoke.

He nodded and gave me one of his sinister smiles.
„I've packed you all a little bit of breakfast for the way. Cause I know you all can't stay for that long."
I said while handing him a bag of food.
He thanked me and woke up the others except Rengoku. Because he isn't that well yet.

Just before I knew it. Rengoku has been carried out and the boys including the demon have left the door.
I waved to them goodbye.

But as they were in front of the forest, I yelled to Tanjiro „say hello to your sister for me!"

I could see it from afar that it was unexpecting for him. He had a slight shocked look on his face but at least he knows now that I know too.

As I couldn't see them anymore, I've climbed into my bed and slept straight away.

I'm so sorry if it always takes so frickin long to do updates. It's because school likes to stress people and I'm not the most intelligent person at school 🧍‍♂️
So I'll try to update more from now on.
Have a lovely day/night ~Tem

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