Shinobus reaction

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Tanjiros POV

„Say hello to your sister for me!" I heard her yell.
I took me a second what she meant.
I flinched as I realized...
She knew about Nezuko?!!
I sweated at the thought.
How did she find out?! When did she find out?! and where did she find out?!

I know that Nezuko won't hurt a human being but still! What if Y/N was one of those people who would've hurt her straight away!
I'm glad she did not..

"Hey Tanjiro.. uh you seem kind of... sweaty?"
Zenitsu said while poking at my shoulder.
I looked at him and started sweating even more.
I should've been glad that she hasn't hurt her.
But uh AHHHH.

I can't help all these thoughts!!
I have to distract myself! I feel so anxious..
Y/N is a good person, she wouldn't have hurt her.
„I know... I think I'm hitting... puberty?" I said with a grimace.

„Tanjiro.. first of all you're a teenager, you're already in puberty... second of all, we can tell that you're lying by you pulling grimaces." Zenitsu said while blinking at me annoyed.

I sighed and told him the truth.
As he listened to me he looked down at his feet.
„To be honest, do you really think that Y/N-san would ever hurt her?" He spoke.

I told that to myself for a hundred times.
Would Y/N ever hurt Nezuko.
„We'll see this evening.." Zenitsu cut me off by having second thoughts again.

I sighed again and nodded.
Let's see what Nezuko had to say about Y/N.
„we should be there in 5 minutes." One of the Kakushi said.

I looked ahead and already saw the butterfly mansion. „urgh, I wonder what medicine
Rengoku-san has to take." Zenitsu spoke with a disgusted look on his face.

I nodded as we inched closer to the mansion.
Before we knew it. We were on the doorstep of the mansion.

The Kakushi knocked on the door, waiting for a signal for us to come in.

I wonder if Kanao is on a mission or not.
I haven't seen her for a long time now.
She's most like to be in the garden again.
If she didn't have a mission yet.

I peeped around the corner to the garden, only to check if she'd been there.
But there was no sight of her.
I sighed in disbelief and walked back to the doorstep only to see that no one was there.

Welp I guess they went in already.
As I entered the mansion, I've been greeted straight away by Naho, Kiyo and Sumi.
As I walked deeper into the mansion, I've seen Aoi do her chores. After greeting her, I walked straight into Rengokus room to check if he's okay.

As I opened the door slightly, he was sleeping..
Just like I expected it.
He's been sleeping since yesterday.
Just as I was about to turn around.
Shinobu-sama was standing in front of me.
Making me flinch slightly by the sudden approach.

„let's hope for the best for him, shall we?" She said in her usual calm voice.
I nodded at her and looked at Rengoku again.
His face seemed a little pale...
But that shouldn't stop him from waking up.

„can't believe he's here again.." she muttered to herself. I continued staring at him..
Praying that his eyes will open.

„Come Tanjiro, you better train with your friends."
She spoke to me.
I nodded and turned away and started to walk towards where Zenitsu and Inosuke were.

Shinobus POV

This dude is so weary of life. This can't go on like this. Or else his body will wreck together after long terms of fights.

This is quite unhealthy for him.
Who knows what will happen at his next fight.
I sighed as I started mixing the medication together.
After that fight.. with Akaza...
That was already horrible enough.
There was a little chance for him to survive..
But somehow he managed to live after that hell of a battle.

He managed to get hit in the abdomen and nearly getting his left eye blinded.
That left a huge scar.

I wonder what for a story he'll tell now.
After mixing the medicine I've made custom for him.
I've headed straight to his room.
Expecting him to be asleep.

As I opened the door slowly.
There he was..
That bitch wide awake.

I could feel that frustration mark popping out of my temple. „you...YOU!!!!" I yelled and stomped over to the bed.

„YOU PIECE OF SHIT MANAGED TO GET YOUR STICHES TORN?!!!" I was so frustrated right now.
All this work he's been giving me lately, I'm sick of it.
I could see the uncomfortable look on his face.
I can feel that he was frustrated too with what happened.

„uhhh... I'm sorry." He muttered..

Okay that's it. I can't handle this bullshit no more.

suddenly the door creeped slowly open.
There stood Naho with her rice bowl.
Which I assume that Aoi made.
„was I interrupting something?" She said in her little cute voice.

I sighed and dropped my act for a second.
„No sweetie... is there a problem?"
I asked her and tried to keep my voice calm as possible.

„I just wanted to bring you lunch!" She said happily.
Sticking the bowl up to me.
I gladly grabbed it and asked her a favor.
„oh can you get another bowl? Because Rengoku-san woke up. That's no problem right?"
She shook her head and walked out of the room.

„So as I was saying.. TRY TO DO YOUR FUCKING JOB RIGHT! YOU KNOW PROBABLY I WONT BE HERE ANYMORE TO HEAL YOU!" I continued my previous conversation.

He nodded and looked down at his hands.
I hope he learned his lesson now.
Sometimes I have the feeling that he is a small child that can't handle for himself.
This bitch is a grown man.. and he better act like it.
I placed the medicine on his side table and told him how much he had to take them per day.

Anyway... I better go check on the other boys.
I'll just hope this dude won't be irresponsible and walk around for shit.

I sighed and opened the door.
Just as I wanted to step out, Naho was there with another rice bowl. Perfect timing actually.
I'll hope that he won't cause a mess.
I don't know how to react when he would do a mess again.

Well that was the chapter of today.
I have the feeling I wrote this kind of quick.
I didn't have anything to do the whole day.
To be honest who does shit on a Sunday.
Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.
I'll try to keep y'all updated.
Have a lovely day/night <3 ~Tem

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