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ISABEL JUST CONTINUED TO, lay on her back with an expression of confusion, sadness, and disbelief shown on her features. She couldn't believe what she'd just heard from the males mouth, and her heart really hurt in her chest since the name didn't even close to hers so she knew that he was most likely thinking about this random Y/N girl the whole time.

"What....?" She breathed out, her chest puffing up and down before she slowly pushed both of her elbows onto the side of her slender body.

Phoenix still didn't come to the realization that he'd probably just messed up his entire future with the blonde, "What? Why are you still speaking to me? Didn't you say you'd go to bed after I was done with you?"

Isabel held herself back from stating the fact that she didn't even get to finish because of him only pleasuring himself, but she kept her cool and let out a long sigh. "I know I said that, Phoenix.... But.. who.... Is that..?"

"Who is who?" He raised an eyebrow, his own look of confusion forming on his face so he didn't really look as intimidating than before.

Gulping at the dark haired teen that only began to turn himself around so he could get his clothes back on himself, Isabel stared dead at him with a lump in her throat, "Y/N... W-Who is Y/N...?"

The man stiffened up at the familiar name and it was finally time that he realized he'd accidentally moaned out Y/Ns name instead of Isabel's.

He pulled his underwear over his privates with his mouth getting a little wider and his veins popping out of his hands due to the tight grip he had at the sides of his underwear. "Who...? I don't.. know anybody by the name of Y/N, baby..."

Now that Phoenix had decided to use a more gentle tone in his voice while he gave her a little pet name, that's when she knew that he knew exactly who the other girl was.

"Phoenix... Please don't lie to me.. you know how I feel about that kind of stuff... Just tell me the truth, I promise I won't be-"

Glaring his blue eyes at the blonde female that only sat herself up more, the feeling of his cum dripping down her body a bit, that's when Phoenix already knew it was time to call the entire conversation off.

"I don't know anybody by the name of Y/N... I already told you this, Isabel. You need to listen to me. You don't listen to me." He clicked his tongue while sending his girlfriend yet another grunt before he snatched his pants, watching her flinch a little.

He turned his back on the woman while he shook his head and mumbled incoherent words under his breath, his heart racing in his chest at the thought of Isabel ever talking with Y/N after his big mistake.

The blonde watched her boyfriend leave the room with nothing but disappointment and sadness forming in her fragile heart. She knew that he was lying, so she figured it wouldn't be that bad to look into his little lie.

After waiting a few more minutes for the man to get settled in the other room, she quickly jumped up to her feet and began to speed walk over to the bathroom that was inside of Phoenixes large bedroom.

She raised her arm up to the light, flicked it on, and then waltzed into the room while quietly shutting the door behind her.

The woman then snatched some of the toilet paper and pushed it underneath her nightgown with low huffs leaving out of her mouth. She felt like she wanted to have a meltdown, but all she did was just clean herself up.

Once she was finished doing that, she tossed it into the garbage before she turned off the light and then left the bathroom.

She jogged back over to her side of the large bed and grabbed her phone off the charger with groggy blinks leaving her light blue eyes.

The female then turned on her phone before she set her passcode inside of it and tapped on the call app without any time to waste.

Her eyes looked over all of the numbers and names before she pursed her lips and finally found the number she was looking for.

The girl immediately tapped on the number and put it up to her ear while she listened to it ring for a few seconds.

She grew impatient with every ring that went by, but then she finally heard a clicking sound come up to her ears, so she finally piped up, a small glimmer showing up through her eyes.

"H-Hello? August.. is this you...?" She whispered, making sure that the man in the other room couldn't hear her at all.

"Uhhh, yeah...? Aren't you with Phoenix right now? Why are you calling me..?" There was a pause before the man that went by August gasped and sat up in his own bed. "Don't tell me I made him mad!! Oh no..! Fuck!! What did I do this time, man!?"

She threw her head back in the pillows and allowed her soft legs to drag over one another, "Nothing, Auggie... You didn't do anything, I just wanted to ask you something..."

"Oh..." There was a breath of relief that left the man on the other side of the the phone before he relaxed, "Well yeah, of course you can ask me something. You can ask me anything, Isabel..."

The girl rolled her blue eyes and tilted her head to the side with a small blush that formed over her cheeks. "August. Stop that... I'm with Phoenix now, and it was a one time thing, alright..?"

"Fine..." He mumbled, his fingers raising up to his dark red hair that laid over his broad shoulders. "Just... Ask your question, I guess..."

Clearing her throat before she looked back up at the ceiling above her, that's when she finally spoke up, "Do you know anyone by the name Y/N?"

"Uhmmmm..." The redhead tilted his face to the sight as he began to grow in thought, and just as he was about to reply with the word no, that's when a familiar face popped into his thoughts.

"Oh! Y/N, yes! I do know a Y/N... I said she had a pretty face once, and Phoenix got pretty mad..." He rolled his dark eyes at the moment from before.

The blonde hummed at his words, knowing that Phoenix might've gotten jealous over the other girl, "Oh... Do you think you could introduce me to her?"

"What?! Are you fucking crazy? We aren't friends! She probably, well, most likely hates me!"

Now Isabel was really confused by the man since she'd just assumed they were friends since he knew her and called her pretty. "Why do you think she hates you?"

"It's not a thought, my love." He chuckled at the end of his sentence, startling the girl a little.

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