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OBVIOUSLY HE WASN'T JUST, going to hang up on the caller since he assumed it was Isabel, and he really wanted her to get the hint he'd made very obvious before. He hated how she just kept getting these random numbers just so she could call him. It really angered him and she knew that, but she still insisted that they spoke to eachother because she really wanted him back, the only problem was that he wanted nothing to do with her anymore, yet she still wouldn't leave him alone. He had her hooked, and that was a huge problem.

Yanking up his phone with an even plunder groan than before, that's when he pressed his thumb on the green icon before he slammed his device up to his ear with a clenched jaw and an annoyed glint shown in his eyes, "What do you want from me?? Didn't I tell you to stop calling me? I will change my fucking number-"

"Phoenix. It's me..." he heard the sound of Augusts voice flow through his ears, and that's when he stopped his words to part his lips while the annoyance faded from his facial expression.

Phoenix felt himself relax a little, and he was actually shocked that he felt relived to hear the redheads voice. It was like the blonde woman haunted him everywhere he went just by her calls and cries for him, "Oh... What's up.. What are you calling me for?"

August was pacing around his own room with his nails digging into his wrist as his bottom lip trembled at what he was about to suggest to the other teen that kept his eyes on the silent girl on the bed with him, "You... You have to call Isabel back..."

Scoffing at what he'd just heard from the ginger on his device, a look of disgust then formed over his features, and it wasn't too long until he was biting on the inside of his cheek as he fought the urge to just press a finger down against the red button that seemed to stick out more than ever now, "What? Why the fuck would I do that..?"

"B-Because... She's texting me, and.. Dude please..! You kn-know how I feel about her!! She.. she wants to kill herself over you! And you know how she is...! She doesn't think sometimes..!!" His voice was shaky as he whined out to the raven haired teen that froze up at the thought of Isabel hurting herself before he then relaxed against his bed once he realized that he didn't care.

"You still have her number even though I told you to block her...?" Phoenix tilted his head to the side, his voice getting a bit deeper, only intimidating the other man that wanted nothing more than to punch him in his face at the moment.

He fluttered his eyes shut for a quick minute before he peeled them open once again, his hand that was once digging its nails into his wrist swinging down to his side while he balled his hand up into a fist to calm himself down, "Phoenix please!! That should be your last concern...!!"

There was yet another sound of carelessness that left past Phoenixes lips, and that only angered the redhead even more because he couldn't understand how he had such a cold hearted friend, "I could care less about her. Now don't call-"

"PHOENIX PLEASE!! I'M FUCKING BEGGING...!" his voice was louder as his walking came to a stop, causing Phoenixes eyes to widen since he'd never been yelled at by August before. Well, he'd never been yelled at by him when he wasn't scared.

That's when the dark haired male paused at the sound of Augusts voice cracking on the other side of his phone, and then he felt a frown coating his lips. He thought back to all of the times he'd stuck up for the redhead, had sleepovers with the redhead, and even took care of the redhead when his parents would bail on him for the eightieth time in a week.

Rolling his deep blue eyes as he turned his face away from the H/C haired female that bit down on her lip at the sound of the gingers voice booming through the phone, there was a sigh that exhaled out of his nose, "Fine... I'll unblock her... Just leave me alone with that begging shit.."

August nodded his head up and down with his own huff of relief, a thankful feeling entering every inch of his body, "Fuck... Thank you so much, Phoenix... You really are my best friend.."

"I love you, man..." his affection was quick and fast, and August didn't even get the chance to respond back because he hung up before he could say more to him before he looked back at a confused and guilty feeling Y/N.

Tossing his phone to the side of his bed while he perked up on his bed, he then pushed a hand out, noting the way the woman didn't flinch this time before he placed his large hand down against her head, petting her like she was some kind of pet to him. "I guess I have to... have this talk with Isabel or whatever the fuck her name is... Do you still wanna sleep over, or do you want me to bring you home..?"

"You can just.. bring me home..." she responded with the quickness, her eyes lighting up at the sound of her house finally being mentioned.

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