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AFTER PHOENIX ACTUALLY, got done breaking up with the blonde woman that was left sobbing and begging for the dark haired man to come back, he was on the hunt to look for Y/N. He needed someone to bring his anger out on, but there was also another part of him that just really missed her, so he also just ignored that feeling that lingered inside of him as well.

He glared at anyone that tried to approach him and he made sure his aura was intimidating. He didn't want to be interrupted by anyone at the moment because all he wanted to do was see a specific H/C haired teen that wanted nothing to do with him.

The man already knew where Y/N was, so he was going to make sure that he would run into her just so that he could taunt her and make fun of her as a way to bring his anger out.

After a few minutes of walking all around, that's when he stopped in his tracks at the sight of the woman that kept her eyes down at the ground coming straight for him.

He smirked at the girl that was unaware of who it was that was a few feet away from her, but once she heard the sound of a deep voice reaching her ears, she paused, "Y/N. I need you."

Head snapping up towards the blue eyed teen that now had a straight face, she froze and her mind immediately went back to the blonde girl that had informed her about the moan he let out.

She didn't think she could say anything to the male because when she opened her mouth to say something, she just couldn't utter a word, and that's when Phoenix knew that she know because she would've been begging for him to leave her alone by now.

The man felt so embarrassed by himself, but he knew he couldn't show her that it affected him so all he did was raise an eyebrow at the woman, trying to face a confused look, "Hello? I said I need you. So hurry up and follow me... And.. stop looking at me like that.."

Straightening her posture as her body shook a little, she nodded her head at his words and watched him turn around with a huff leaving past his lips.

She stood dead still for a few more seconds before she shook her head from side to side and rushed up behind the man, not wanting to be at his side since she knew she would feel even more suffocated that way.

While she was walking behind the teen, she saw his walking coming to a halt, so she followed his actions and slowed her pace in walking a little.

Glaring down at her as he turned his over his shoulder, he clenched his jaw and strained his eyes at her, "Walk beside me."

"H-Huh...? Why do I need to do that...?" She let her lips trembled as she broke the eye contact they had going on for about five seconds. He always looked at her like he wanted to kill her, and that really scared her.

"You do it any other time, Y/N..." he mentioned, the neutral look over his features turning into one of boredom and anger just by her not doing what she was told, "Now come on and follow me. You're making this so difficult."

Only backing away because of the demanding tone heard all in his voice, she frowned and blinked profusely, "Phoenix.. where are you even taking me...?"

"That doesn't matter. Let's go." He then turned his whole body towards the female that only stood still with an expression of unsureness making its way into her face.

"Let's go," he demanded once more, his tone a little harsher so that she would atleast consider the two words he'd just said.

Tilting his head at the girl in front of him that didn't make any new movements, he squinted his eyes once again, this time only using his freaky aura to try to drag her back towards him.

But his veins tensed up once he saw that the female wasn't going to move anytime soon, which was shocking since she never disobeyed him. His eyebrows knitted once the blondes words came to his mind.

He wondered if there actually was a possibility of Y/N ever loving him, and he was growing so deep in his mind that the thought of them never happening really angered him, so he dropped his hands down to his side.

Looking the teen up and down as his voice went a little lower, he did everything to stop himself from taking all of his anger out on her right then and there, "I'm giving you one last chance, Y/N..."

There was a little gasped that came from her mouth, and just as she was about to walk back from the man once again, she already felt his large hand wrapping around her arms.

Her eyes grew wide and her mouth parted, but yet again, there wasn't anything coming from her throat, so she figured that all she could do was fight him off.

He grunted against her body as he continued to throw himself up against her, his adams Apple throbbing and his veins popping out of his neck and arms due to the energy that only grew within his body.

Wincing in pain once the dark haired teen pushed her up against the door, she threw her head back and glared up at the man, "L-Let me go.. p-please, Phoenix...!!"

"No." Was all he responded with before he leaned his face down closer to hers, watching the way her E/C eyes grew confused by the hungry look in his blue eyes.

She felt movement behind her body, so she looked down at the man's hand only to see that he was twisting the doorknob behind her. She hated the fact that she just had to be pushed against an empty classroom, and she didn't like where this was going at all.

HIII guys sorry I haven't been updating much but I'll try I have like a lot of books coming

ALSO respond to the message I wrote on my board yall I'm taking requests

And also look at the introductions of some of my books I changed it up a little I THINK ITS SO CUTEEE

And if I'm not updating a lot it's bc I'm tryna fix up some books so pls don't give up on me once I'm finished in like a few days then I'll be flooding u guys in chapters of ur favs

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