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THE GIRL FELT PHOENIXES, large hands wrapping around each sides of her face, but she still didn't move a muscle. She wanted so badly to tell him that the only thing she wanted was for him to just leave out of her life, but since she got the new information that he actually liked her in the way she didn't want, she knew that he would be furious with her answer, so she just decided not to say a word so she wouldn't have to make him mad. In her opinion she thought it was a win win because she already had a black eye, and she wasn't trying to die.

"Come on... What is it that you want from me..? I told you, Y/N... It can be anything, alright..?" He scooted himself even closer to the female that's whole body ached of disgust by the randomly soft tone in the bullies voice. She actually thought she was in some sort of fever dream, and she couldn't stand the hold he had all over her face. It was like he was controlling her in a different way this time, and she didn't like that so she was going to atleast try to do something about it.

She choked over her words for a split second until she shut her eyes, still being able to feel the stare he had over every part of her face while she gathered the courage to speak up to the male, "Uhmmm.. well, f-for one... I don't.. like it when you hurt me, Phoenix... I- I really want that to stop."

Phoenix knew she would say something like that, so he wondered why he still didn't like the thought of him ever being some sort of saint with the female. He knew that the moment he stopped hurting her, she was just turn her back on him because she damage had already been done, but there was also another part of him that told himself if he actually stopped, there could be a chance he could win over Y/Ns heart.

All the man did was continue to make her stare up at him as he kept his upper body turned to her, examining ever look over her face while she suffered in silence all due to his touch, "I know you don't like it, baby.. I know you don't..."

There was an unusual feeling that filled her stomach once she'd processed the males words, but then she remembered who it was that almost gave her butterflies, so she cleared her throat to calm herself down, "So then.. why do you do it Phoenix...?"

Thoughts of the little argument him and Y/N had entered Phoenixes mind, and he really didn't want his anger to overcome him just like last time because the last time he got extremely mad at the girl, a black eye appeared all around her eye, "Because... I.. I have some issues, uhhh.."

"Issues? What issues..?" She didn't believe what the bully was saying because he was born into a rich family, and he had tons of friends that would still have his back even if he was the one being bullied.

"I have... Issues in my mind...?" Phoenix really didn't know how to put it, but he knew he couldn't be a psychopath because he felt something for Y/N, but there was also a possibility that he could just be a mild psychopath, and he didn't even want to face that thought either.

Y/N held back yet another eye roll by just biting on the inside of her bottom lip. She hoped the man beside her wasn't just now finding this out because the signs were all there from the moment she met him to the present they were in. He'd always been a creepy kid that was looking for danger and excitement from every corner, and as he got older he learned how to hide his searching and his truly sickening feelings of certain things.

"Oh... In your mind.." she just breathed out, attempting to hide the annoyance that wanted to escape from her mind so she could show what she was actually feeling towards Phoenix and the fake act he was putting on to make it seem like they were having some sort of heart to heart.

Phoenix let Y/N pass because her anger towards him was definitely understandable, especially since he'd given her a black eye, so he just continued to rub his thumbs against her cheeks, "Yes. But that's something we don't need to talk about. Tell me what you want me to do-"

"I just told you what I wanted. I want you to stop hurting me..." She cut him off with a frown that caused Phoenix to hold back his own eye roll. He found her so weak, and even though that was something he liked about her, he also thought it could be annoying.

He stayed silent for a few minutes, resulting in the E/C eyed teen to grow a bad feeling in her stomach. She felt like something was about to come up because of how unpredictable the male was when he was actually confronted with her own true thoughts and feeling towards him, but she wasn't expecting what came next from him, "Fine. I'll stop hurting you."

Her E/C eyes snapped to his blue ones and her eyes went wide, causing Phoenix to purse his lips in confusion by the look on her face, "What...?"

"What? I said I'll stop hurting you." He responded to her breathy what with a dry expression shown on his face and his own bad feeling filling his stomach, but it wasn't because of the guilt. It was because he knew he'd miss the feeling of having more power over the girl.

"Wait... Are you just messing around with me..?" She gasped out with her eyes only growing even more wider by the dark haired man that shook his head with a clenched jaw.

His left hand slid down against her head before it was placed on the side of her neck, causing her to grow cold by that action since she was still very afraid of him, "No. I'm going to stop."

Shaking off the feeling of Phoenixes slender fingers against her soft skin, that's when she cleared her throat once again, the feeling of an invisible weight coming up from her shoulders, "Oh my.. god.. uhh... O-Okay then..!!"

Phoenix only stared down at the female that was still scared of the stare he held on her, and before the female could say or do anything else, she felt the raven haired teens hands wrapping around her wrist, causing a choked out screech to leave her mouth.

Shutting her eyes tightly, the girl felt herself being pulled in Phoenixes lap, causing her to peel her eyes open in shock at how bold the boy had already decided to be with her, "Huh...?"

"Shhh..." He parted his legs, allowing her to slip through while his hands went up and down the sides of her waists, making her eyes pop out of her head as she stiffened up, the feeling of Phoenixes face diving into the crevice of her neck.

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