Bio and Prologue

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Name: Jacob Edward

Age: [File expunged]

Personality: Quiet, open-minded, no preference for religion as he has verbally said: "What's the point of prying on a god that never intervenes to help an individual when no help will come to save us? But I understand that some people need closure to mourn the death of close friends or family members. Plus, how can someone believe a book that was written by multiple people?" He was known to listen to audio autopsy reports, Fictional or Non-fictional. Grim-looking, but friendly to others who he works with.

Weapons: ACR- .308 Sub-sonic, EVO scorpion (Full Auto)- 9mm Sub-sonic, Glock 45 Custom- .45 ACP Armor Piercing

45 ACP Armor Piercing

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It's been ten months since my unjustly dishonorable discharge and why was I dishonorably discharged? All because I saved a child from my comrades who we were all ordered to execute anyone with any association with our said targets, even kids... However, I chose the Moral High Ground, and instead of killing them with their families. I told them before the team got to them, of course, this meant that I was disobeying orders but I wasn't going to execute kids and entire families. A few others on my team had the same idea as I but one of us didn't care and shot everyone they saw, the bad thing about it was that their family had a foothold in the military and was wrapped around the General. This broke our team apart and left the military, which we had contacts of our own to bring this unjustness to light. It worked but it cost the lives of my friends who I served with.

So, I went to medical school and went from there becoming a mortician doing autopsies for the federal government like NCIS, FBI, etc... But I had a private life, I was into some witchcraft like tarot cards, medicinal healing, and the works. But I never went to church, because of my experience during my 30th visit, my parents became overly zealous when I did a fuck up at home. They would force me into stuff that other parents would call cruel and when CPS came, I was more than relieved I was saved.

It didn't take much for them to see evidence of what they were doing to me, so soon I was given a new home with a nice woman who practiced some of the fortune telling and helped heal some of my wounds that were still in the process of healing. I kinda took up some of her hobbies and read some of her journals on the herbs she used with this in mind I could do something about my bully. I planned to spike his drink with herbs that gave him the shits and it worked, but I had to tell my intentions to my Adoptive Mother to which she approved since I did tell her that the school hasn't done anything significant to change the outcome. So that day I successfully spiked his drink during lunch in the form of his favorite, Strawberry milk, later once class started he drank soon me and my friends heard a loud fart from the bully and then haul ass into the nearest Restroom.

My friend group was perplexed and surprised to see him run that fast to the nearest one, he stayed in the restroom for the rest of the day as I couldn't hide my smile. My friends looked at me in shock as I stood up and announced that I did that to him, I was sent to the office and gave my statement.

"Enough was enough and you failed to change the outcome that has happened, you have allowed this individual to make this safe environment toxic to others who sought to succeed, instead you did nothing so I took action without violence and used my newfound knowledge of herbs from my Adoptive Mother. So, I won't care if you expel me because I know others will follow my path so I implore you superintendent of this school to enforce your policy on Anti-bullying...


Jacob Edward"

That was the letter that I read out loud to the Superintendent and the principal but then, they expelled me quite unjustly and told me that my parents should have raised me better. I smiled and gladly made my way outside the school quietly chanting, pretending I was cursing the place. Around a month later, the school ultimately shut down and never re-opened, then I looked online to learn that the school had several health code violations. The list was so extensive and severe that led to the school being condemned for removal.

When I was an adult I struggled with college because I was pre-arranged for a Christian school that my birth givers rigged for me after high school but I paid to go to a different school and thrived. My biologicals however were livid for attending a school I picked and made their attempt to sabotage and ruin my chances for a very decent job but I was dead set on the military to be a specialist. I succeeded and served my tour.

After my discharge, I worked in the morgue in upstate New York, I acquired the habit of speaking to the dead victims during autopsies, and soon after I received a call from a private military company called Ion. They gave me a choice to work with them, I was glad that I could do something different so I gladly resigned from being a mortician and went home to gather my gear. Arriving there I was greeted by the guards who guarded the gate then nodded when they saw my credentials and let me pass.

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