Chapter 5

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Rantan Tinka POV

I typed away on my terminal until I received a call from a good friend, V. "V, good to hear from you, what's up?" "Hey Rantan, I was hoping I could have some work done for you," he said as I thought about what to give him but the only thing I could think of was intel. "You heard about the Alien?" I asked V. "What about it, you want me to hunt it down and bring it to you?" he spoke as if he wasn't new to roughing up someone and bringing them to a Mob Boss. "No, I need intel on its whereabouts, habits, behavior changes, and activities. Right now, this region's police force is on high alert per Lockhart's orders," I advised "All right, RT. I'll leave text," he said ending the call.

I smiled thinking about the days when I was a small-time mercenary, with lots of good and bad baggage it landed where I now working with Ion Two. The origins of this company have eluded me ever since I was allowed clearance to the Presidium's Archive, the Presidium was a floating city held by Gravity fields and hard light tethers with a few large power conduits along with five emergency descend cables but currently act as anchors. I get a high-priority message from the Planetary Governor to accompany them. It reads:

"Greetings Agent,

I am reaching out to you and you alone, the reason why I chose you is that I have a slight suspicion that a coup will be done against me. If I do mysteriously disappear then you are tasked to seek help from very likely sources like our newest outsider. But if a level of cooperation is reached then begin getting close to them, learn of their actions, what they eat, behaviors, how they utilize their weapons, gadgets, and most importantly their sleep schedule. If in an event the outsider is in an insurmountable amount of danger you are to call your organization for mobilization.

Sincerely, Planetary Governor of Chorus, Samantha Anderson."

I thought to myself for a bit then decided to get up bring my pulse rifle with me and head to my vehicle placing my rifle in the front seat upon entering my vehicle. "Oh goddess, this is going to be a long meeting," I said to myself heading my way to the Presidium.

Jacob Edwards POV

I was doing some maintenance on my Rifle, SMG, and Sidearm after some rest when the Doctor came out of her testing area. "Yep, 24-karat gold, it is pure and that means you need to cash this in!" Castaria explains so I question. "And how am I going to do that without being killed off almost immediately?"

She presents with my grapple gun that she fixed up. "Hey, I've been wondering where that was." she giggled, " I've been doing some upgrades, there was nothing wrong with the hook and I changed out the cord for something a little tougher than your paracord, the material in question happened to be the same kind of weave for synthetic muscles for synthetics but without the Contracting forces that allow the muscle to work. I put it through lots of stress enough to be resistant to physical damage like if someone tries to cut, shoot, burn, and even stretch it, and if a current is sent through it no amount of electricity will meet you ultimately being the one instrumental thing that never breaks." I grabbed my grapple and placed it onto the magnetic holster that she provided while placing the spool on the back of my waist. I did a couple of hops to see how secure it was. "Alright, this will do." Soon I make my way with the assistance of the mutates to guide me to the manhole I dropped from with the Gold in a suitcase. I gave a quick head pat then ascended entering the neon night once again.

I kept to the shadows and back alleyways soon entering a vacant Plaza where I saw a sign.

'Regional Plaza Bank
Open with pride'

I entered the bank calmly and quietly, I stopped and did a brief scan of the place. Calmly looked at the glass rooms that had people consulting with Representatives but I could only see the Silhouettes through the glass, so I walked to the reception window to see a female canine with a skull mask wearing a hybrid of dress and hoodie looking unamused along with I assumed was her partner.

 Calmly looked at the glass rooms that had people consulting with Representatives but I could only see the Silhouettes through the glass, so I walked to the reception window to see a female canine with a skull mask wearing a hybrid of dress and ho...

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My ears started to ring then a voice spoke in my mind

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My ears started to ring then a voice spoke in my mind. "Welcome to Regional Plaza Bank, we see that you have the intention to create an account and have precious metals to exchange. To proceed in the creation of your account please place your less-dominant hand before me," the woman in black said. I hesitantly placed my left hand before them and immediately machines began latching my hand down, I was spooked then felt a blade pierce through my hand. I yelled in pain but it was lessened by the device that supplied me with enough painkillers to not lose consciousness. "Fuck me this hurts...!" I said I felt the blade slowly pull out and my hand started to tingle. "Your account has been made, you may retrieve your hand to deposit your amount."

I took my hand and saw that one of the lights on my device darkened and turned off It must mean that I had taken some damage. I gave the gold to them and the woman in nightshade purple took the gold away then an alarm sounded and a blast shutter sealed. "Doc, what's going on?!" I said backing up. "Hostiles are outside, they must know that you took the gold," Castaria said through my comms.

Flick the safety of my rifle and onto Sami, jogging to the door. "Doc, can you cut lights?" I asked as the lights went out. 'Going dark...,' I thought to myself as I was deathly quietly the door going outside, immediately I saw the first smoking in my mind would be the equivalent of an electronic cigarette or e-cig for short. I crept behind him and shot his head then quietly caught his body, laying it down slowly. I went behind some large flowerbeds and saw the remaining four so I grabbed a glass bottle conveniently near me and then threw it behind them to throw them off and look that way. It worked as planned as I switched my rifle to Auto and fired four bursts at them. Once they were dead the lights turned back on. "Loot them, they ought to have something good on them," Castaria said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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