Chapter 2

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The voice faded away. At that moment, reality crashed back into his consciousness, reminding him of the impending doom he had narrowly escaped. The blaring horn of the approaching train pierced his ears, blending with the terrified screams of the onlookers who had gathered around the train tracks, anticipating a gruesome end. Instinctively, Keagan raised his arm to shield his face, bracing himself for the impact he desperately hoped to avoid.

But then, something extraordinary happened.

A blinding explosion of light erupted from within him, engulfing his surroundings and momentarily blurring his vision. The brilliance of the light-shielded him from the oncoming train as if a protective barrier had been erected in an instant. Simultaneously, a powerful buzzing sound filled the air, akin to the sizzle of live wires coming into contact and releasing a surge of electric energy. The buzzing grew louder, reaching an almost deafening pitch.


Suddenly, Keagan found himself hurtling through the air, descending from the height of a three-story building toward a solid slab of concrete below. All he could anticipate was the painful impact that awaited him—bruises, broken bones, and aching limbs. To his astonishment, as he collided with the ground, it felt as though he had merely shifted in his sleep. He run his hands over his body in disbelief, searching for any signs of the fall. Yet, there were no marks, no indications of the tremendous impact he had just experienced. It was as if he had defied the laws of gravity and emerged unscathed.

"What's going on?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with confusion. The augmented display materialized before him, presenting a new item in the top right corner of the screen—a large green bar that pulsated with a steady rhythm, accompanied by a smaller red bar beneath it.

"What is this?"

He asked aloud, not expecting anyone to answer since he was in an alleyway alone.

"This is your health system. It monitors the current status of your body and strength. The green bar shows the status of your body physically, notice that the bar has dropped from 100 to 98 because of a fall you took that broke your ankle, you will need to spend on your health if you want to heal faster, or let your body heal naturally, it might take a few days for a full recovery."

The voice resonated, offering a brief introduction to the intricate monitoring system that had become a part of Keagan's existence.

As the display materialized before him, Keagan's attention was drawn to the prominent green bar. It represented the physical condition of his body, a direct reflection of his health. His eyes scanned the bar, and he noticed a slight decrease, the gauge dropping from a pristine 100 to 98.

Beneath the health indicator, a smaller red bar caught his gaze. It denoted his strength level, currently residing at a modest 24 percent out of 100. He acknowledged the cause—the neglect of proper nourishment. His eating habits had been far from optimal, and now he bore the consequences in the form of diminished strength.

Though the system's words were straightforward, Keagan understood the significance behind them. His health and strength were precious resources, demanding his attention and care. The display served as a constant reminder of the choices he would need to make to restore his well-being and bolster his physical capabilities.

At that point, Keagan was not surprised by the voice. He took his time to survey the display, often tracing back to his account balance. He had never seen so many zeros under his name.

"Do not forget your daily task, it will help with your progression. If that is all have a good day spectral Guardian, I am always here if you need any assistance,"

"What should I call you?"

Urban Arcanum: Legendary Quest of the System WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now