Ch. 2 Eggcited to Meet You

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Finished the her meal, both Mumei and Bae leave the restaurant. While one of them laughs and the other in pain, Mumei was almost in tears as she hangs out her tongue and tries to fan it. Bae couldn't help but laugh at her new friend's suffering. "Haha, I said that I was sorry. I didn't know that you were weak to spicy foods." Bae apologizes as she wipes a tear of laughter out of her eye.

It wasn't Mumei's first time of having curry, but she didn't know that Holomeade made them even spicier. Bae now really feeling sorry for her new found friend took off her backpack and reached inside for something, "Here I don't have much. But maybe this will help cool down your tongue." Bae said as she pulls out a poke despenser. Mumei held out her hand and Bae popped out a poke block into her hand. "Wow! It feels like forever that I've seen a poke block before." Mumei said, surprise to see such an old product. Mumei then placed the block on her tongue and it started to melt in her mouth. The sweetness did help relieve the burning in her mouth.

"Mm! So sweet, I remember when I was little my mom use to give poke blocks to her Noctowl. Noctowl even did cool tricks for poke blocks." Mumei said as she fondly looked back at her childhood memories. Bae couldn't help but blush at the kind compliment. "That's good to hear that there are still some people out there who still remember poke blocks. You see my family actually owns a chain of shops that sells poke blocks." Bae said as if she was trying to show off. Mumei was surprised to hear that Bae's family owns poke block stores. "But aren't poke puffs more popular now a days?" Mumei couldn't help but start to wonder what the difference were between the two. That alone felt like a dagger in Bae's heart.

"W-Well you see, its a little more complicated than that. Remember my friend Irys how was just looking for me? Well, her family also owns many stores that sell poke puffs. Our two families use to get along so well, that was until poke puffs started to rise in popularity. Then our two dads started to compete with each other, saying their recipes were better than the other. It was around then that me and Irys started become rivals ourselves. But I still hope that we could someday be friends just like how we use to..." Bae said as she also put one of her poke blocks into her mouth, as if to not show such a sad face for missing her first best friend. "Oo! Man, that was is sour!" Bae said as she scrunched her face from the flavor. Mumei smiled, happy to know that her friend wasn't bringing herself down. Mumei never really got along with other people, but was happy with just playing with random pokemon. So meeting Bae and becoming friends with her was a nice new feeling.

"Oh, right we should hurry up to the daycare before the opening ceremony start. Come with me I know a short cut to the daycare." Bae said as she grabs Mumei's hand and the two rush towards the daycare. The two rushed passed both people and Pokemon of all kinds. Mumei was dazed from the multiple of twist and turns. Until they finally made it to the daycare. "And we're here! See I told ya I knew where it was." Bae said with a smile. "T-Thank you, B-Bae." Mumei's eyes were in swirls as she tries to regain her balance. Back on her feet, Mumei was able to see the daycare. It was actually a lot bigger that she thought it was, it also was more high tech than she thought as well. The daycares she's usually sees are like small ranches. But those daycare has a large main building and wide pastures of all verity.

"Wow, it looks so cool!" Mumei said with stars in her eyes. Bae smiles happy to hear how impressed she was at the daycare. "I know right, now let's go in and let you pick your partner." Bae said as the two walk in. Inside they could see cute Pokemon items of all kinds. There were already both people and pokemon that were just there to shop. At the counter they came across a tall masculine man with tan skin and blonde hair. "Hey there, how can I help ya?" The man said with a bright sunny smile. "Oh Hi, y-yes. I'm a new student for the Holomon Academy, and I'm here to pick my starter." Mumei said as she stumbled her words. "You don't say! I actually have a daughter that is also starting this year as well. Me and her Papa are both so proud of her, if you meet her I hope you both become good friends." Mr. Tsukumo said with prideful grin.

"Now then before you can go and pick your Pokemon egg. I'm gonna need to register your PokéDex to the daycare. All first year students will receive daycare discounts when leaving your Pokemon here." Mr. Tsukumo said as Mumei hands him her rotom phone. Within just a few seconds, Mumei was registered into the Pokemon daycare. "Oh, it also looks like you purchased a Super Incubator. These incubators can be used up to three times, and shorten your hatching time. These are usually expensive, looks like your parent wanted to surprise you with this." Mr. Tsukumo said happy to hear that there were customers who were looking out for their children. Mumei was also surprised to hear that her mother got her and incubator for her first poke egg. They weren't exactly poor, but they weren't exactly rich ether.

Now with the formalities out of the way, Mr. Tsukumo guided Mumei towards the poke egg nursery. "I bet you that which ever baby pokemon you pick. They will be Eggcited to meet you." Mr. Tsukumo and Mumei both laugh at his joke as they enter the nursery. The nursery was filled with many pokemon eggs. Mumei couldn't believe here eyes, how was she going to be able to pick which one would be right for her?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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