Chapter 11

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I sent my family home, but kept Diana there in the parking lot with me.

"You knew what that was, didn't you?" I guessed.

She didn't answer. But I had this bad feeling in my gut.

"Diana, who are you really?"

She looked me in the eye. "Ask Tritan to tell you who you are facing again and then you'll understand."

"What?" I was confused. "Are you an enemy?"

"Hopefully you don't remember me as such," she said, then she melted away and was gone.


I pulled into my grandparents driveway quite bothered.

"Tritan," I called.

He melted out of the shadows in the seat next to me. "Yes?"

"Can you take me to the manor?" I asked.

"Are you forgoing the remainder of your break?" He asked.

"After seeing that, I don't think I can afford to sit around," I told him.

He was silent for a moment. "Very well."

He leapt onto my shoulders and warped us to the couch in the manor.

"I have questions."

He leapt off and sat next to me. "I imagine you do."

"Who exactly am I fighting?"

"There is a group of entities who were once human, they are who you will be facing."

"What are they now if not human?" I asked.

"I don't really know how to answer that," Tritan replied. "They are the very embodiment of certain concepts. Space, Time, and Destruction."

"What are their names?" I asked.

"Dimensia, Time, and Naught," Tritan told me.

"A bit on the nose, don't you think?"

He shrugged. "You have my word that you will never forget them."


"What is bothering you?"

"Other than an entire dimension being destroyed before me?" I asked.

"Fair enough," Tritan admitted.

"You're right though," I told him. "My tutor melted away in front of me, like you do."

"Ah. She told you then."

"You knew?"

"I knew the moment she was at the door of your grandparent's house, I simply elected not to tell you. It does no one any good if the hero is unable to fight because he recognizes the villain."

"I'm no hero," I said. "I'm just a kid."

He sighed. "You are younger than any Chosen before you. That is true."

I heard footsteps from the hallway and composed myself.

I looked up to see Alexa, Katrina, and Rebecca all standing there.

Katrina looked at Tritan. "He found out then?"

"He did."

Katrina sighed and sat down next to me. Rebecca sat in the chair by herself and Tritan leapt over to her and curled up in her lap. While Alexa sat on the loveseat.

We were all silent for a while. Katrina broke that silence.

"I don't know how much consolation this is, since you seem particularly close to her, but I've met Dimensia," she told me. "She was a kind woman, but she was also tired. She had been given a duty many centuries ago, and she is ready to retire from it. If you two are as close as you seem to be, I don't think she would mind if it was you who retired her."

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