Author's Note

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So, I have been working on this book off and on for about eight years now, and every time I revisit it to edit it or try and finish it, I always change something. This book is a far cry from what the original would have been. I think it is much better, as I started when I was 12 or 13 or something like that, but there are elements of it that are the same or similar that I have simply perfected, refined, or polished. One of the things I removed much to the benefit of myself and the story as a whole, was Corbin's friends. In the original work, they were actually apart of the main story, and were meant to fight with him at times, but I think that it's best if they remain side characters now. I have a hard time with the multitude of characters I already have to deal with. I thought about leaving little nuggets of trivia throughout the chapters in order to give you an idea of what I changed, but I think that I changed my mind and those little asterisks will remain as purely informational toward the story and things that actually need to be explained. 

Now, I am putting this author's note here because the last chapter would have been the end of the first book (originally I had planned to write this as a series of six books, but the formatting of the website works well enough for me to simply be able to put them all together) and from here on out, the second book will begin. 

I do apologize for the amount of moving parts that are here, but I promise, they all play out somehow somewhere. (I know exactly how they play out and when, but you'll find that out later)

For now, I highly recommend going and checking out Shurukaru's page. Some of his books are related to the overarching story that these characters are a part of. If you are looking for more of me: awesome. I am going to keep posting chapters here, but don't just read this book. I personally recommend Crimson Days. In my opinion, it is one of my better books, and it tells you the story of Caelis Ultima. Origin of a Traveling Guardian, and Seeker of Forbidden Knowledge are also ok. You can learn some more lore from the former, and the latter will not intertwine with this story until much later. But I still recommend them. 

With that, I think I am finished here. I'd love to hear from y'all and see what y'all think of these books and chapters. Or even the characters. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to comment somewhere, and if you have any questions about how this stuff works, please feel free to ask, I have given a lot of thought to how it all works, the origins of certain things, and the overall scheme of the world and its workings. So please, ask away.

Until next time, thank you for reading!

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