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CORALINE & HARRY were running errands for Uma

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CORALINE & HARRY were running errands for Uma. However, Coraline had no clue were Harry had wandered off to. She decided to go to Lady Tremaine's Curl Up & Dye to see if he was there.

Once she got there and walked through the curtain, she stopped in her tracks when she saw the one person she least expected to see. Mal.

Mal turned from looking in the mirror, then noticed Coraline standing there. She froze for a moment, but a smile came upon her face. "Hey, Cora."

Coraline gave her a blank look, then said in a snarky tone, "Ah, look what the cat dragged in." She then glanced at Dizzy. "Hey, Dizz."

Dizzy waved with her usual cheerful smile. Mal gave Coraline a confused expression. She snorted softly, and said, "Gee, I thought you'd be more happy to see me."

Coraline chuckled amusingly. "Well, what did you expect, darling? That I would come running into your arms and it would be a big, happy family reunion?"

"Okay, I'm confused," Mal said.

"Let me explain something to you, love," Coraline said as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Six months ago, you decided to stay in Auradon, leaving me to rot." She began to walk towards Mal, speaking in a nonchalant tone. "You promised that you'd come back for me and set everyone on the Isle free. However, it was all a lie. You turned your back on me, Malsy."

Even though Coraline spoke in a calm tone, Mal knew she was pissed. That's just how Coraline was sometimes when she was mad. Although other times, she could be short-tempered, depending on the situation.

"It wasn't a lie, Cora-" Mal started.

"Yeah, there will be no addressing me by that name, Mal," Coraline told her.

Mal sighed, but went on, "I wasn't lying.
None of us were. We all thought we would come back for you."

Coraline rolled her eyes. "Did I ever... Oh, I don't know... Happen to, uh, cross your mind at any point in time while you were in Auradon?"

Mal looked down, giving Coraline the answer she needed. "I can't believe you. You didn't think of me once while you were there. You forgot about me. Why would that be?" Coraline said. "Oh, I know! Maybe it's because everyone in Auradon has their heads up their asses and they rubbed off on you."

"Coraline, look, I-" Mal got cut off again.

"No need to say anything, Mal," Coraline said. "Frankly, I'd rather walk the plank than hear whatever lame excuse for abandoning me you have."

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