➣ five.

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( tw: underage drinking )

 | ALWAYS BEEN YOU( tw: underage drinking )

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IT WAS THE evening. Coraline and Harry were sitting at the table in Coraline's room. "There's something missing," Coraline said.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "And what would that be, bonnie lass?"

"Rum," Coraline replied with a mischievous smirk, making Harry chuckle. "I'll be right back," she told him, getting up, then leaving her room.

She walked to her father and mother's bedroom. She quietly opened the door, peeking inside. She mentally sighed out of relieve as she noticed her father asleep.

She quietly shut the door, then went to where her father 'hid' his rum. She took out two, then went back to her room, shutting the door behind her.

"It's just too easy," she said, setting a bottle in front of Harry. "The man sleeps too deep. One time I screamed just to see what would happen, and he didn't even wake up."

"Ah, that's where ye get it from," Harry commented.

"What do you mean?" Coraline asked, then took a sip of her rum.

"Last month yer mom was chasing me, holding her sword towards me, and ye were taking a nap. I was screaming, and ye just kept snoring," Harry explained. "I was kind of in need of my girlfriend's help."

Coraline sat there in confusion. "Why was my mom chasing you? What did you do?"

"I misspoke, I didn't mean to anger her," Harry replied.

Coraline chuckled, rolling her eyes. She took a sip of her rum, then asked, "How do you think the wand trade off is gonna go tomorrow?"

Harry sipped his rum, then answered, "I think it will go successfully. Why do ye ask, love?"

"I don't know... I just have this weird feeling about tomorrow," Coraline told him. "Knowing Mal, she could pull something. What if we never get off the Isle?"

"Love," Harry said softly. "We'll get off this Isle. Even if Mal does pull something, preventing us from getting off, we'll be free one day. We'll get the life we want. Don't worry... It's not like you."

Coraline snorted softly as his comment. She definitely wasn't one to worry all that much. She hoped that if Mal did try to do something that would prevent them from being free, they'd get off the Isle one day.

She sat there, thinking, beginning to zone out until Harry said, "I have something that I've been meaning to give you."

"What is it?" Coraline asked, now curious.

Harry reached into his pocket, and held out a ring with a ruby gem.

Harry reached into his pocket, and held out a ring with a ruby gem

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"It was my mother's. Before she died, she gave the ring to me. She told me to give it to that special someone once I find them," Harry explained.

"And that special someone..." he started, grabbing Coraline's hand. "Is you," he finished, placing the ring on her finger.

Coraline looked at him with soft eyes. "Harry... It's beautiful," she told him. "You're my special someone too."

Harry smiled, then stood up, and reached his hand to her. Coraline took his hand, standing up. Harry leaned down, and placed his lips on hers, kissing her tenderly.

They pulled away, and looked at each other lovingly. They found themselves singing to one another.

Coraline & Harry:
Every day's another day gone by
Lucky breaks or big mistakes
Every day's another chance to try
'Cause we might just get it right
If I don't know where to turn
If I crash and burn
So much to learn
Suddenly you're standing there
Like a breath of air
You're everywhere

No more overthinking
Now I know

I can always lean on you, count on you
And if I'm ever gone too long, come back to you
Everything I'm asking for, looking for
Somewhere deep inside I always knew
It's always been you, you
It's always been you, you

The two rested their foreheads together. "Ye mean everything to me, Cori," Harry told her.

Coraline blushed, then said, "What have you done to me, tesoro?"

Harry chuckled. "Made ya crazier than before?"

Coraline laughed lightly. "Yes. That you definitely have."

The two just looked at each other for a moment before Harry said, "We should probably get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

Coraline nodded in agreement. "Sleep sounds good."

The two took off their pirate gear. Coraline crawled into her bed, Harry following suit. Harry wrapped his arms around her, and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Sweet dreams, birdie."

Coraline hummed in response. The two slowly drifted off to sleep.


I needed something fluffy, okay.

I needed something fluffy, okay

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