eddie x juice

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Juicys POV

Eddie and I have been dating for a couple of months now and we were ready to make it public. It was going to be great , so we thought. I first posted a video playing a horror vr game , then Eddie would come into the room and kiss me. After posting the video it immediately got a lot of love but also so much hate. I was being called a fagott , whore basically any insult you can think of. I read the comments and Eddie came into our room , he held me in his strong arms as I cried. "Juice , don't listen to them. You're perfect just the way you are."he said kissing me deeply and rubbing gentle circles into my back. "I should just quit YouTube. Then we could be happy together, just us." I said and Eddie held my face in his hands. "Baby , you can't just quit. You have so many fans that love you. Also if you quit then no one will see your amazing content." He said and kissed my nose like he always did. "I love you Eddie , I love the way that you're always so caring for others , even the ones that hurt you." I said and he frowned. "I will always care for you Juice. Your my little juice box and I need to have you in my life." He said and hugged me for a while before there was a knock at the door. Eddie got up to answer it , I had my arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist. He opened the door to see Mully , Josh and Narrator standing outside. "Dudes! You win me $50 from these dumbasses! Thanks!" Josh said happily. Eddie and I were both confused until I realized what they meant. "What did y'all bet on?" I asked knowing it was something to do with us dating. "We bet that Juicy wouldn't date anyone shorter than him!" Mully said and everyone was laughing. I blushed and felt Eddie push him head into my chest. Sure he was shorter than me but not by that much. "Fuck you pendejos" he said and kissed me. We all laughed and invited them inside. "In all seriousness though guys , we're all proud of y'all." Narrator said hugging both of us. "Thanks dude. The video got a lot of hate but whatever I guess" I said , then I felt Eddie grab my hand in his. I hugged him tight and the boys "awwed " we all watched a movie before they had to leave.

Eddies POV

After the boys had left Juicy and I went to our room to cuddle. We sat in the bed for a while until I heard quiet sobs come from Juicy. "Juicy , baby. What's wrong?" I asked worriedly and hugged him. "You don't need me" he cried in my arms. "Juicy no. I love you so much and I wouldn't be here without you." I said kissing him deeply. "All I do is make your life miserable, you would be happier if I left." He continued crying as I held him. "Gaege , listen to me. You make my life worth living again. Before I met you I was so depressed, I had almost ended it all. Do you want to know what kept me from leaving?" I asked wiping his tears. "W-What?" He answered and I kissed him. "I had found your YouTube and loved your content and you. I added you on twitter , then the voices started. They told me I wasn't good enough for you and that you didn't love me and never would. I started cutting my wrists , legs chest. I cut all over my body until the day I saw the notification, Garge Gibson added you in twitter. That is what made me stop." I said and I had some tears in my face. "Eddie , I'm so sorry. I love you so much." He said kissing me. I then felt him gently grab my arms. "You aren't alone though. I did too , until you messaged me I had been cutting all the time." He said and slowly rolled up him sleeves. "Baby , there's nothing to be sorry about." I said and also rolled up my sleeves. We both were covered in scars but didn't even care anymore. All that mattered was that we had each other. I held my perfect little angel in my arms. He soon fell asleep in my arms and I smiled "I love you Juice" I said kissing his nose and then also falling asleep.

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