Mully x Juice

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(Mully's POV)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off at 6:30 am I couldn't wait for the day to start today. Today is a big football game for my team! I get dressed in a school uniform, a red suit and any choice of black pants I prefer jeans. I ran downstairs and out the door knowing today was a good day. We get dorms, a big football game, last but not least prom is tonight!

(Juice's POV)

I was out on the bleachers left side of the field writing in my journal about a boy I had a crush on when suddenly I felt someone put their arms around my neck, and hugged me "Ooh~ Gaege-y has a crush!" Anna said "I do not! I just happen to like the look of his face." I said covering my book with my arms. "Hey, stalking him already without us?" Bently said sitting by Gaege. I was friends with the entire cheerleader squad which I loved! They love me and I love them. "Sup, Gaege." Avery said while smacking the back of my head "Good morning sunshine." I said sarcastically rubbing the back of my head where she hit. I was now surrounded by girls, all cheerleaders and my best friends. I looked down on the field to see Mully throwing the football back and forth to Josh. "Earth to Gaege!" Anna, Bently, and Avery whispered in my ears. "Huh!?" I jumped a little. "Man, who knew Gaege Gibson had the hots for Mullen the football player?" Avery teased.

(Mully's POV)

Me and Josh were laughing throwing the ball back and forth to each other just as I was about to throw something that caught my eye. I turned to my left to see Gaege Gibson and a couple cheerleaders. I never found interest in Gaege maybe except that he was loved by girls in a non boyfriend and girlfriend way. I smiled and waved to them. I could see Avery push him up he stood there he looked nervous but he lifted one of his arms and waved back smiling. I turned back to Josh to see him laughing at me. I threw the football at his head, but he couldn't stop laughing "Why're you laughing?" I said "Who knew you liked the- he was cut off by his laughing "I'm going." I said trying to sound angry "Awe, don't go! I'm just playing!" Josh said while running after me "You should go talk to him." Josh suggested "Why do I need to?" I rolled my eyes. "Let's just play.." I looked back to my left to see Gaege......he was cute..WAIT NO "HEY! Thought we were playing?" Josh yelled at me "Oh-y-yeah!" I said throwing the ball to Josh

(Juice's POV)

Wow! Mullen actually..looked at me...I felt my face warm up "GAEGE GIBSON IS GAY FOR MU-" I cut Avery off by covering her mouth "Shut up!!!" I yelled at her. I looked at Mully and Josh to see them still playing "Phew, he didn't hear.." I sighed in relief "Avery, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!? WHAT IF HE HEARD!" I yelled in her face. I shoved my face in my hands. I was so embarrassed Avery always knew how to embarrass me. I walked out of the bleachers not too long after the girls had left. I was so in thought I didn't know I had bumped into Mully. "S-Sorry!" I said looking up realizing who it was "It's okay!" Mully said, smiling my face turned red I grabbed my book and ran "H-Hey wait!" Mully grabbed my hoodie I wore over my uniform "Yes..?" I said not looking him in the eyes he held my chin facing me to him. We slowly leaned into a kiss when.. I heard Josh yell "Hey! Mull where'd you go?!" Mully let go of me and yelled back to Josh "Over here by the bleachers!" Josh ran up to us realizing he messed something up he looked at me and whispered in my ear "Mully's going to prom and his favorite color is blue." Josh pulled away smiling innocently at Mully. I looked at Josh and nodded. "What'd you do?!" Mully begged Josh to tell what he had said to me. Josh shook his head and I giggled.

(Mully's POV)

I tried begging Josh and Gaege what Josh had said. I ended up giving up walking to the locker room to change, but to my surprise Sarah was there "Heyyyyy baby~!" she said while lightly putting her hand on my shoulder "Don't call me that." I said, sighing. "Why the fuck not? What're you going to do about it?" Sarah hissed in anger "I'm not your 'baby' you slut you're after money and pleasure." I said angrily "Yes, I am and you gave me both~" Sarah whispered in my ear I shoved her off. Today I was going to set her straight. "I am not and will never be your boyfriend you fucking stripper!" I yelled at her and everyone watched us. Josh ran up to me pulling me into the locker room as we waited for the tension to settle. "You alright man?" Josh said putting his hand on my shoulder "Yeah.." I sighed.

*Time Skip*

(3rd POV)

Gaege sat in Mr.Narrators class waiting for it to start. He started to draw on a piece of paper he started to doodle not knowing he was drawing Mully and him "Ahem?" someone tapped on Gaege's shoulder. Gaege jumped and covered the drawing with his arm Gaege turned around to see Mully smirking at him *Shit did he see the drawing??* Gaege thought to himself. "Whatcha' drawing there~?" Mully asked, trying to remove Gaege's arms. "It-It's nothing!" Gaege didn't want to show him knowing how embarrassing it would be Josh walked in "Hey what's happening?" Josh asked, confused. Mully whispered in Josh's ear Josh looked back at Gaege and smirked. Gaege slowly tried to move away, but Josh grabbed under Gaege's arms Gaege pushed the drawing away "HEY PUT ME DOWN!" Gaege struggled to get out of his grip. Mully picked up the drawing and turned a light red. "Alright Josh let him go." Mully said Josh proceeded to let go then Mully Grabbed Gaege's arm and he started running somewhere. "H-Hey!" Gaege tried to pull back but he was too strong. Mully pinned Gaege to a wall in the bathroom stall. 

(Juice's POV)

Mully breathing down my neck made me shiver. At first I thought he was gonna hurt me, but he...kissed K͟i͟s͟s͟e͟d me? "Do you love me?" Mully asked, still pinning me I leaned in and kissed him. He let go of my arms and held my face. I gripped his arms and we pulled away slightly panting "Will you go prom with me?" Mully asked, looking into my eyes "Yes!" I yelled happily and hugged Mully "I have loved you for so long, Mullen." I said, sighing in relief.

*time skip*

(3rd POV)

Gaege was trying on every dress in the store "Ugh! I can't find a good dress!!" Gaege yelled. Josh had walked into the store and saw Gaege Josh walked over to Gaege "Hey?" Josh said trying to get Gaege's attention "Oh, hey what's up." Gaege said, putting on a smile "Ouch, fake smile?" Josh said, putting his hand over his heart. "Sorry, it's just I'm bummed I can't find a dress for prom." Gaege said sighing he rested his head on his hands. Josh walked over to where some dresses were "How about this?" Josh asked pulling out a little baby blue dress with a white stripe Gaege gasped "YES YES YES!!" Gaege ran up to Josh and hugged him tightly.

(Mully's POV)

Where's Gaege..? Is he not coming...? I sighed and grabbed a little bottle from my pocket "Isn't it illegal to drink on campus~?" I sighed. "What can I do for you bitch? Oh I mean Sarah baby?" Mully hissed angrily at her "Looks like a big bad wolf is lonely and a little red riding hood is waiting to be eaten~" Sarah said winking at me. "Why don't you go get someone from else from the football team to spoil, fuck, and fall in love with you? I said while drinking my 3rd bottle of beer (from his pocket).I looked at the stairs to see Gaege in a baby blue dress with white ribbons in it. I walked up to him and Gaege kissed me. "I thought this night couldn't get any better when you walked in." I smiled while putting a corsage on Gaege's wrist I held out my arm "M'lady?" I said, smiling Gaege laughed while putting his arm under mine. We walked past Sarah. I looked at her "Goodbye, 'babe'."

*time skip*

(Juice's POV)

I had the best night of my life Mully asked me to go to prom with him and I wore a beautiful dress! Nothing could wreck my night. Mully grabbed me on the arm "Where are we going-" I asked "You'll see!" Mully yelled back we stopped in a green field surrounded by flowers and trees except one spot which faced the sun "Care to watch the sunset with me?" Mully asked, holding one hand out "I would love to!"I said while we ran up to a spot with a white blanket on the ground.

(Mully's POV)

I looked at Gaege's grey sparkling eyes. The sun was a dark pink and purple I leaned into a kiss with Gaege. We closed our eyes and kissed the sun soon turned into a blue night. We laid there for a few hours looking at the starry night "Can I tell you something Mully?" Gaege spoke softly "Anything." I said looking at him "Why do you love me?" he asked, looking down I held his face seeing that he was crying. I kissed him and said, "I wouldn't choose anyone else in the world."

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