Narrator x Mully

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(Mully's POV)

We were filming an amoung us video with the boys and SuPRisIngLY Narrator killed us all in one round it was so funny😂. We finished filming and I call Narrator. He picks up "Hey mul whatcha need??" He says and I turn red *Mullys Head* omg his voice is so calming I love it "um nothing just wandering if you want to come to pub with me and Eddie, Eddies calling Gauge and josh to see if they want to come would u??" "Umm yeah sure I could get out he house for a bit" he says and i say where and what time to meet up and we both hung up and got ready.

(Narrator's POV)

We all walk in like the friends we are it's Me Mully Josh Gauge and Eddie. When we walk in and go to the counter and ask for some drinks OFcoUS I'm GonnA BE tHe one Who Has to TakE EvErYOne HomE, so I only order one drink that wasn't too strong. It was about 8pm. So we had been here for a while and everyone was flat out drunk except for me so I gather everyone up ofcous they have to through fits but it's nothing I hadn't had to deal with before. With everyone in the car we drive to my place because they all are not staying home alone drunk. we are in the car driving to mine and here Mully say something so I say "sorry what" I say as he starts to speak again "you know Narrator I really like u like more than a friend. Your so cute funny and soOOooOo Hot". "Ummm thanks?" "No dude I actually mean it" "thanks Man U too" "do u wanna be my boyfriend?" He says i hesitate for a minute because I really like him but I think it's just the alcohol talking "umm can we talk about this tomorrow when your not drunk and everyone in the car" mind you everything went quiet and and they were all smiling Mully turns up the radio and they all started having a party.


(Mully's POV)

I wake up to a really bad head ache and I'm laying on the couch and I see Josh Eddie and Gauge all asleep on the floor and I don't know what happened last night. I go to the kitchen and get some water. After I drink that I find the room where Narrator keeps everyone's spare clothes Because he's a good friend and we always end up going to his house after the pub and pass out. I get changed and go outside to get some fresh air.

(Narrator's POV)

I walk into the kitchen to see Mully is not on the couch I get a little scared until I see Mully through the window of the door. I walk outside and sit next to him "holy jebus don't scare me like that" he says trying to act serious "ok fine" "hey um Narrator" "yes" "i meant what I said last night know" "u did?" "Yeah" he looks away and starts to tear up "Hey it's ok I just wanted to know if it was the alcohol talking or not" i say smiling "well what's the answer for do u wanna be my boyfriend?" "Yes the answer is yes" I say and he hugs me. 





(3rd POV)

Mully and Narrator turn around to see gauge josh a d eddie clapping "oh my god" Mully says rolling his eyes "it's cute" Gauge says as he goes to the room to get changed "LETS GET FOOD PLEASE NARRATOR YOU HAVE NOTHING TO EAT AT ALL" Eddie says as josh is walking away to get changed "yep ok you guys get changed and we can go get Mc Donalds" "YES LETS GO" Josh says running back jumping like a three year old.

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