22. concert day with tears

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jungkook was in pharmacy searching for vitamin tablets to Jennie, and some for himself, when he crossed a section to go to the bill counter, he saw a familiar figure
"Taehyung?? What is he doing here? Is he sick?", He thought to call him but.......

He don't want to distrub taehyung, he stood there trying to decide Whether to go or not, tae took something in his hand and turned to meet with jungkook, he immediately hid those things behind him

"Hi", kook said hesitantly

"Uhm, hi, you're here?", Tae walked towards him still hand behind his back

"Yeah, vitamin tablets to Jennie, are you......sick?", don't know if he should ask it

"Some things, uhmm for rosé ", he gestured kook to move further, jungkook felt little sad but he proceeded
After he paid, kook waited for tae, but kook understood tae is waiting for him leave

He said bye and left with looking back, his heart felt heavy, but he don't want to cross his limits, untill tae feel comfortable

Seoul college,
It's only 5 but people started to crowd, students who are responsible for ticket checking already started their work, they checked and verified the tickets and gave them wristbands, some of them guiding people towards their seats and preventing from blocking the ways

On the other side,  snacks and drinks are on sale, and despite these all performers are running from here to there, changing clothes, checking makeups, doing small rehersal, jisoo explaining something to background dancers

Makeup artists and designers doing their works quickly,
Taehyung dyed his hair in red colour, jungkook in black with red colour and jhope in black with brown
Taehyung and jungkook didn't talk to eachother since the evening, but they didn't ignore eachother

Jungkook tied tae's boots, tae tightened jungkook harness, they never left eachother company all through the makeup still no words

Lastly they all checked their in-earphones and mics,
The loud music started to play, they can hear audience scream from inside the cabin, loud fireworks and the stage covered with smoke

"Now it's time",

Suddenly all music stoped , the whole place surrounded in silence until........
Everyone saw some movements in the smoke, slowly
Ten, Lisa, seulgi, jinyoung, yegyeom, jimin, momo came out from the darkness
(Reference video: 2016 sbs gayo daejun)

Again the music started and everyone started to dance in sync, people shouting and cheering, they danced their as opening
Every moves smoothly and sensualy yet powerful and energetic, and as soon the music ended , they're are all replaced with backup dancers and they disappear just like how they appeared

The big screen showing some patterns turned dark and showed a silhouette of a girl, that big shadow dancing just like the backup dancers, the word jisoo showed and all the spotlight pointed on one place
(Video: jisoo LIAR ft Camila cabello, live from LA )

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