23. kick-start

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Yoongi stood before his collection of weapons, it's his major hobby to collect swords, spears, axe, knife, normal katanas to whips katanas, daggers, and his most favourite the kunai

He will never allow lisa here because she always tell him to sell those for huge sums, he took his katana and sliced the air with some moves

He always come here when his mind become puzzle or heart become numb, he heard boots sound behind him but didn't turn to look who is that

Small calculation

Jungkook and Lisa are the only person to use those huge ass boots, Lisa would never dare to come here after yoongi's kunai throwing show because she send his favourite knife's picture to someone and asked the price

So it's jungkook, he took the other katana and clashed it together, metal hitting sound beamed the whole room
"I taught you to use katanas, you are a fast learner, still you can't learn that one method fully", he turned and throwed the katana to jungkook

Kook catched it and removed his jacket, he made some moves with katana and stood before yoongi in steady position, "can we practice it now, master?", Yoongi smirked and made his first move, kook dodged and tried to attack him but yoongi casually stoped it

"Your movements are against air, steady", kook released his katana with a spin and again attacked yoongi but he twisted his body and stopped his katana's sharp edge at jungkook's neck, with few inches

"Don't look at your movements only, look my blade, my angle, my strength, my movement, don't concentrate only on attacking, You can't win.........", he paused and took his blade from kook's neck, "........if you think you can hurt me "

Jungkook smirked, he relaxed his muscles and again stood steady on his position, he started with slash but yoongi dodged it, they fought between eachother sharing same energy, looking yoongi in action always hits different

At the span of second yoongi's katana flew from his hand while kook locking his katana's at his hyung's neck and said

"Don't look on your side justice only, look his pain, his reasons, his concern, his love, don't concentrate only on your anger and ego hyung, you can't get your love...........", Kook removed his blade and threw it, he looked at his hyung's eyes, ".......if you think forgiving or asking his side's explanation will ruin your pride"

Kook walked towards the exit but stopped and looked back at his yoongi hyung, "you are well experienced and matured than me hyung, but sometimes anger block our mind, i don't know what happened between you and jimin but I saw love, regret, pain, affection in his eyes everytime he saw you"

Time: 2 Am

Everyone finally returned to their dorm after their long tiring performance, Jennie was jumping laughing making fun of everything she shooted on her camera,
"Yoongi hyung was amazing, I'm his biggest fangirl and see here hobi, your face", he cupped hoseok's face who is already dead on couch, fully exhausted

"Where did you hid this handsome face of yours ?", He showed his bright smile by collecting his left over energy from each capillaries befor passing out

She pouted and looked namjoon to distrub but he already flattened on floor, she smiled and arranged the dining table with the foods they bought on the way to here

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