Mischievously Delicious

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Ron kneeled at Bellatrix's side as she sat with Narcissa for their normal afternoon Tea, attached to his leash and bored out of his mind. He was so used to kneeling his knees were calloused and rough, leaning against her thigh submissively.

"No I don't think that would be wise." Narcissa dismissed a random thought Bellatrix brought up, sipping her tea as they enjoyed some mini cucumber sandwiches.

"But don't you think The Dark Lord would appreciate such a gift? Potter is so...special it would be a good idea!" Bellatrix grinned wide, petting Ron's hair absently.

Narcissa shook her head rapidly. "I'd never want to do that to poor Harry! It's bad enough he's been forced to join us!"

Bellatrix glared. "Watch yourself Cissy, we mustn't speak ill of our Lord." She scolded.

Ron didn't even want to know what they were talking about, whining quietly.

"Sorry my love, I got a bit miffed." Bellatrix accidentally yanked Ron's hair, giving him an apologetic pet.

Ron shuddered in slight disgust, not liking her touch but he knew he had no choice. They had grown very close since he was dumped in her lap as her personal pet. He hated to think this was permanent, but he tried to think positively.

"Go back to little Nev for me." Bellatrix snapped the leash off the latch of Ron's collar, apparating him back to the house.

Ron sighed in immense relief as he landed upright in her living room, going through the house to find Neville. "Nev?" He called.

No answer...

Ron went up the stairs when he finished searching the first floor, hearing some sort of disgruntled complaint coming from the upstairs hallway. "Nev???"

"Shit!!!" Neville's sharp voice hissed from their shared bedroom down the hall...

Ron walked in, his jaw dropping when he saw the position Neville was in. "Good lord Neville!" He quickly turned away, his whole face on fire with embarrassment.

Neville was bare ass naked on his back against the comforter covered sheets, his hand wrapped around his angry reddened cock. "I just...I can't!...I tried but I-Ughh!!!" He was panting heavily, staring at his cock in dismay.

Ron kept his back turned. "Neville for bloody sakes what are you up to in here?!" He asked incredulously, blushing something awful as he thought of what Neville was doing during the time he was out with Bellatrix.

"I wanted to come...I tried but...it's not w-working!" He groaned in frustration, his cheeks red with tears in his eyes. "Can...can you help?" He asked in a humiliated tone.

"Neville I only showed you last time so you could enjoy it yourself...a second time...Merlin." He brushed the redness from his cheeks, turning back around.

"Please? It hurts." Neville whined.

Ron's eyes wandered down to Neville's aggravated prick, sighing heavily as he came to the foot of the bed. "Come here."

Neville scooted over to Ron, blushing miserably as he looked away from him.

"This is the last time Nev, I don't have an excuse to just...touch you like this, it's becoming weird." Ron didn't have a reason to touch Neville, even if he was a handsome boy.

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