Love Hurts

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Harry stepped through the front door of the cabin, dragging a very nervous and forlorn Ronald Weasley attached to his orange rust leash. The house immediately came off as stiff and viciously uncomfortable, something in the air was off. Harry felt it the second his feet pressed their first steps inside.

...Something is not right...

Ron stared at Harry's confused expression. "Harry?" He called, waving his hand in front of his face a bit. He seemed to be staring off into the empty living room. "You alright mate?" He put his other hand on his hip, a slight nudge to alert him.

Harry snapped out of his hyper listening, walking further into the room to drop Ron's leash. "Oh no." He looked at the patio and then up the stairs, his heart painfully escalating at his rising panic. "Ron...stay right there don't move a muscle! I need to check on something!" He ran upstairs, tripping on a step as he shot back up in haste.

Ron's eyes followed Harry sprinting up the stairs. "What's the matter Harry?" He stayed right where he stood, used to obeying so it didn't really make him think otherwise...

Harry opened the bedroom door, rushing in to check the whole room, even the closet was empty...
He checked the bathroom and the same thing happened. "NO!!!"

Ron gasped at the loud shout, grabbing his own leash that was still attached to his collar, pulling on it while he looked towards the stairs. "Harry! What's going on?!"

Harry ran downstairs fast! Jumping down the last few stairs to run over to Ron. "Draco's gone Ron!" He took him by the leash, tugging him over to the banister.
"Stay here! I'll come back when I find out what happened okay? I have to go I'm sorry!"

He tied it tightly, leaving the end loop to dangle. "If he comes back here don't let him leave!" He ran out the back door, the sliding wooden porch door squeaking as it slammed against the siding of the house.

Ron sat down on the stairs close to where he was tied to, watching out the window as Harry ran down the path till he was out of sight. "Poor Malfoy...I'm such an arse!" He let his head drop into his lap with a groan.

Harry was running down the dirt lined path, he would check every single acre of this place if it meant finding Draco! He had to make things right, if he couldn't find him then...then...

If he's gone and Voldemort finds out I lost him he'll...oh fuck I need to find him! I don't care if I get hurt but...I can't let anyone hurt Draco! Where are you?! Please don't run from me I love you!!!

Harry didn't remember the trail through the deadwood trees being this longgggg! But when he finally reached the end where the pond was he stopped in his tracks.

"Draco!" He whispered under his breath.

Right in front of the Demon Koi Fish Pond was Draco, he had pulled one of the big lounge chairs with the comfy cushions, sitting a good few feet from the waters edge.

Harry felt bad that he thought Draco had run away...but he couldn't move, his heart ached when he thought back to their last conversation. He couldn't speak...

Draco knew Harry was behind him, but he kept his eyes on the yellow, orange, and red colored scales of the Demon fish shimmering close to the surface when they came up to eat an insect or a smaller amphibian.

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