Chapter 5: Meeting parents

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{1 hour after UA heroics exam}

Izuku, Latoria and Scathach are now approaching Dagobah Beach after completing the UA exam, and Izuku is getting nervous about meeting his friends families. They know why he's nervous, since he is meeting the families of his two friends at the same time.

Izuku nervously asks his two companions "What should I do so I don't mess up my first meeting with your families. I'm very anxious about meeting them, given that your fathers may try to interrogate me and see if I am worthy to become your boyfriend."

At that, the two girls as well as Izuku blush, remembering what they did before doing the physical portion of the test. They didn't talk for a bit, not until they approach Dagobah Beach, and the two families spot their daughters walking with each other and who the two families wanted to meet.

""Latoria/Scathach dear!"" the two mothers say loud enough for the girls to spot them and drag their friend over to meet them. Seeing that he must be the boy they were talking about gets a smile on the mothers' faces as well as Artoria's. The fathers just gained a blank look, which Izuku spotted and returned.

The females are just watching the blank face stare off with slight amusement until Izuku puts his hand out and introduces himself. "Izuku Muramasa, best male friend of your daughters, pleasure to meet you both." Upon hearing that introduction, the fathers let out a grin and pull him into a bro hug before they truly realize who they did it to.

Before they can even ask, Latoria's mother intervenes and asks "Muramasa? Like Muramasa's successor?" "Yes, that's what everyone calls me, pleasure to meet the families of my two best friends. Please call me Izuku, I would prefer if I don't have fans running towards me due to my fame. They are scary when they want something." Izuku responds, getting the parents of the two as well as Artoria to gape that their daughters/sister are best friends with the successor of Muramasa.

The parents were also impressed since with that response he gave showed some of his true colors about being someone who doesn't let their fame get to them. They decided to introduce themselves to Izuku Muramasa. Scathach's mother went first, introducing herself as Rias Skadi, who looks like she could be Scathach's sister with her beauty.

Her father then introduces himself as Arthur Skadi, to which Izuku tells him "You must be a lucky man to have a beautiful wife with a just as beautiful daughter. I thought they were sisters instead. Of course Latoria is just as beautiful as well as her mother."

That gets the 2 wives to slightly blush while Latoria and Scathach blush at how their 'not boyfriend yet' friend called them beautiful. Artoria just giggles slightly as the 2 fathers smile at their girls friend warming up to them easily.

After Rias and Arthur introduced themselves to Izuku, Latoria's family moved to introduce themselves. Artoria speaks up first "Hello Izuku-san, I'm Artoria, Latoria's younger sister." Seeing her, he has to do a double take before saying "No offence but you look like a mini version of your older sister."

That gets them to chuckle at it, knowing people when they meet them that it happens. Latoria's parents then introduce themselves "Hello Izuku-san, my name is Lily Stardragon." Latoria's mother introduces herself then the father follows after "My name is Taro Stardragon, nice to meet my baby girl's first male friend."

With that, Izuku shook his hand as well as Arthur's hand. The two mothers however, gave him a loving hug, knowing full well about their daughters feelings towards him. Feeling the motherly love coming from the hugs, he smiled and hugged back, while mumbling "So this is what a hug from a mother is."

Unfortunately for him, everyone heard his mumble and all come to the conclusion that Izuku is an orphan. They all gave him pitying looks before collectively joining the now group hug. Upon feeling more bodies hugging him, Izuku realizes that they must have heard him and blushes in embarrassment.

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