Chapter 8: A Student Becomes Principal for a Day

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Even though there has been only 2 players at the AIME, there was no USAMO for either of the two girls to play in; they both narrowly miss the threshold to qualify for it. However, it was a bittersweet victory. By the end of February, with mixed feelings, he turns on the PA system.

"Good morning, today, we bear good and bad news about our team as it relates to our performance on the AIME. The good news is the school's record on the AIME was broken this year; the best two scores in school history on this competition were obtained by our two participants who both scored a ten. The bad news is they are both eliminated and thus cannot write the USAMO" Glen announces to the student body, referring to Éliane and Gen.

Which means the only hopes we have left for mathletics lie on the SRA final. While the SRA's prizes haven't been finalized, and the organizers made the prizes a surprise, this means the mathletes in AP Calculus BC will focus on the SRA in full, Glen reflects on what their elimination at the AIME means for the VAs' mathletic season. Winning the SRA final will only have a local significance, or maybe parish-wide, but no more than that. Hopefully Gen will make it to the USAMO next year.


Fast forward to a few days before the state's administration of the ACT, in March, Glen prepares his announcement for the principal for a day, now that the paperwork to host it has cleared through the parish.

"Good morning, Venomous Agendas: today is the draw for the principal for a day raffle. All students in good standing are automatically entered and then have the opportunity to decline if they win" Glen announces in the PA system. "Here it means eligible students have no infractions and they pass all their courses. Without further ado, let the draw begin for the principal for a day (or PFAD) to assume office on April fourth!"

It would be all too tempting for a PFAD with either infractions or failing academic records to use it to cook the books, which is why I made it clear what I meant by good standing, Glen muses while he begins the draw.

"And the winner is..." he then rolls the drum, and says the name of the first winner. "Please come to the principal's office!"

Several less than enthusiastic raffle winners later, all of whom declined, the teachers start being a little annoyed by the principal's raffle because they feel like it's cutting into instructional time. Some students, on the other hand, use it as an opportunity to relax.

"After eight unsuccessful draws, let's hope the ninth draw will be the right one!" he starts sweating while the next name comes up during the drum roll. "The winner is... Catalena Coradines! Please come to the principal's office to decide whether to collect your prize!"

Or more accurately, decide whether to take Glen up on an offer made when the SRA results are announced. When Catalena arrives at his office to decide:

"Of course I accept!"

"We're going to need not only your signature on this form, but also your parents' signature" Glen then hands the form to her, before turning to the PA system, knowing that people want this circus to end. "And we finally have a willing winner!"

Catalena enters her personal information on the form while Glen dials the parent listed as the emergency contact. Her mother.

"Hi; this is the principal. I am calling regarding your daughter, she won a school-wide raffle and we need to make sure that you're aware of what the prize is" Glen tells Catalena's mother.

"What's the prize?" a puzzled mother asks him about the so-called prize.

"Your daughter won principal for a day"

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